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If you have detailed appendages, I'd think you want some kind of a two part mold, with the appendages exposed to both halves, so they don't get trapped when you inject them.

I've made that kind of a mold with POP, but you have to take your time as you place your master so the appendages stay in the middle.

I find I sometimes have to brush the masters with an artists brush and water very lightly, once the masters are in place in the POP, to make sure the POP is completely around the masters.  Then, once the POP has set and cured, I carefully remove the skin of POP from the brushing and expose the entire master faces.  It's time consuming, but, if I get the first mold half right, the second half is easy.  

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I like to pour the first half. Then sand it prior to doing the second half. Another trick I like is to support the bait with clay. The appendages and body. Then just pour pop around it, just under the center line. Pour the second half. Sand it to the center. And then repour the first half. And throw the clay supported half away. Xtra work but effective.

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