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Paul Huff

Newbie Seeking Advice

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Hello all,


I am new to posting on here, but have been coming here for a long time now and reading all the information I can gather. I have been into hand pouring custom baits for my personal use for a few years now, and have started to perfect some awesome designs that work very well ( I have recently won 2 junior bass master tournaments using my new bait designs ) and I am wanting to start looking into taking my baits to the next level. I am no where near ready to start selling them yet or anything but I am looking into just giving some away to see how they do in various conditions and different parts of the country. My concern is with a patent, I do not have one yet and I am worried about giving them away and really showing my ideas without one, but with the high cost associated with obtaining patents and me being no where near ready to sell any baits or even know if I would continue on with the design after the feedback I would receive it has me at a loss of what would be the best road to take. any advice or opinions would be appreciated and from all the post I have read on here everyone seems very nice and more than willing to give their advice and opinions . Thanks in advance for everything, 



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Paul, non disclosure forms are a must. Any good reputable mold maker or bait prodcer will have no hesitation in signing it. Until you get these forms signed do not show your bait to anyone, let me repeat this, until you get these forms signed do not show your bait to anyone. The plastic industry is wide open for the next new bait, when it comes to the bait business you even have to be careful with your friends. These types of forms also help you establish yourself as the inventor, documentation is a must when trying to prove ownership.

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