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Pvc Help Sorta Fishing

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Most of you guys know I work with disabled veterans and kids with disadvantages .I would appreciate some help if any of you fellows know where I can get PVC pipe in unusual shapes and configurations . I've seen furniture , work stations and numerous other things Made from it .

What do I need it for ? I need it to make wheel chair rod holders that will allow some one to fish with only one arm and still set the hook by themselves .They will be built wheel chair specific because of the numerous differents type of power chairs and wheel chairs .If I can accomplish this it will take every bit of enginuity I posess . I entend to provide these free of charge to my vets and kids . So last request is ! Say a few prayers for me . I'm going to need special guidance .

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Kudos to you Toadfrog for helping those less fortunate than ourselves.


The link below shows a way to bend PVC pipe into pretty much any shape you want without kinking it. I've used this method on steel pipe when a tubing bender was not an option. No doubt it will work on plastic as well. All you have to do is pack the pipe with sand before you heat it. This will keep the sides from collapsing and causing the pipe to kink. A heat gun will provide plenty of heat to make the PVC malleable. I'd stay away from using a torch, or anything with an open flame, because any direct contact with an open flame can cause the PVC to burn.


hope this helps,




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OH Man way cool . Thanks Travis . Got to start investigating You Tube . It looks like I'm going to have to hand make the Rod placements and such .Will probably try velcro first to hold the system on the wheel chairs since drilling holes and such won't go over well .Also it will allow for some versatility in fitting it up .

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Instead of trying to drill holes in the wheelchair you could use swivel clamps. One side of the clamp could be fastened to the chair and the other side would hold the PVC pipe. You could even build them yourself if the cost of buying them was not an option. If you want to try building some, and need some ideas on how to do that, just give me a holler................Ben

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