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Modifying A Trokar Pro Swim Jig Mold

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Can I ask why?  I can see wanting a regular eye swim jig but I would just go with a different mold. The Snootie is similar except for the collar and to get both a 1/4oz and 1/2oz bait you need 2 molds.  Another thing I see is that I wasn't sure about that design but I hear a lot of positive things said about the Blade Runner and Provider swim jigs which use the flay eye but that is another discussion. As for drilling out that eye, it looks as if it can be done, you may be able to do it and still have the ability to use the flat eye but I would use a drill press, no free hand.

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All of the things that you listed are why I was looking to modify that mold. I really wanted to have the option to do either eye in one mold, but my biggest reasoning was the issue of the collar on the Snootie jig.


I worried about that but it really hasn't been an issue. I use the casting jig, also know as the grass jig on some sites, as my swim jig which it was designed for. The thing with it is I us the small mold that makes the 1/8 to 1/4oz, and I use the 1/4oz with 3.5" swim baits and grubs and it is killer but when I need to get deeper or I'm around heavier weeds or cover then I go with the snootie in the 1/2oz ans 5/8oz. If the weeds are heavy I put a drop of super glue on the ball and the hook shank and I never had any problems. I'll also tell you the snootie comes through grass and cover better than any jig I ever used so don't worry about it not holding a trailer. Let us know if the modification works, it should be just drilling out around but I'd lay the hook in just to make sure the hook eye is far away enough that It doesn't mess anything up.

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