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Curt - NC

Everyone Needs To Read This, Please!

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I want to make sure ALL MEMBERS understand something important!


If you start a topic or post a reply to an existing topic, you are automatically subscribed to that topic. This means that you will receive en email notification when someone replies to that topic.


PLEASE NOTE that you cannot reply to that topic by replying to the notification email that you receive!


If you do, the email that you send comes to me and does not get posted to the forums. :nuhuh:


You have to login to the forums to post a reply to a topic.



This also applies to emails that you receive to notify you of a personal message being sent to you through this site.


DO NOT REPLY to these emails!


Many people seem to make the mistake of replying directly to these emails. And, as with the other notification emails I mentioned above, if you reply to these notifications, they get sent directly to me!


So if you want the intended recipient to receive your reply, and you don't want me knowing your personal business, please login to the forums to read your messages and reply to them there, through the PM interface!! :yay:


If you have any questions about this, please feel free to post a reply here ;)





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Hey guys, what kind of notifications are you referring to? Do you mean getting notified when someone posts a reply to a thread you've posted to, or some other kind of notification?


There are ways to turn different types of notifications on or off, so if you give me more specific info, I'll help you troubleshoot the problem.


Thanks in advance :)

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