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Tm Customs

Line ties, Screw in or wire?

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I am new to making cranks once again I can get the bait shapes perfect but have yet to finish one. I was told by a guy on here to use 20gage wire insted of screws, do you? What he didnt clearly explain was how I made the wire stick in the bait. Can some one please post some detailed instruction on how to do this. Any help will be greatly appricated.

Thanks, Tm

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The answer to your question depends largely upon personal preference and the material you are working with. I make most of my lures from mahogany or poplar and prefer to use screw eyes. Others tho, Chip for example, like to make their own screw eyes from wire that is twisted and then epoxied into place. Finally some guys use a "through wire" design in which all of the hook hangers and tow-point are created from a single strand of wire that is sandwiched between two pieces of wood.

If you are just beginning the business of bait-building I would recommend that you use screw-eyes, they are inexpensive and easy to use.


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