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Newbie Question!

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So im just about to get started in injecting my own plastics and want to start off with basic colors such as watermelon red flake and pumpkin seed.  Im wondering what the difference between basstackle, lure craft and other types of colors and plastics are?  Ive noticed that basstackles carries one plastic only while LC carries multiple different plastics/softners.  I have on order a starter kit from basstackle.com that comes with a 5inch stick mold with a 6oz injector and inlcuded was some plastic, glitter and 2 colors=watermelon & pumpkind seed.  When mixing these with the BASSTACKLE color, is there any need to mix more than 1 color to make the watermelon red flake?  Will i be able to just use basstackles watermelon and just add the flakes/salt to get the correct color?  I dont understand why other formulas have the watermelon color in it and then mix it with other different colors?  Like i said, im new to this new project that im going to start doing.  Im confused on what plastic to purchase once i really start getting the hang of it. 

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Plain and simple you will have to try different vendors colorants to find the one you like I think none match each other and none use the same recipe i.e. drops per batch, It's a pain in the butt to follow some recipes as they may have 5 different brands of colorant it really comes down to your eyes perception of what watermelon should look like.

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Thanks alot...one last question if anyone knows...Im looking for this mold.  Not sure if basstackle has the right one but they are the only ones i see that has similar looking ones except the tip of the tails arnt pointy.  i do see it on there website but not positive.  These plastics are used for panfishing open water or ice.



Edited by clumzy
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