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Jig Man

Color Runs Dipping Tubes

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I have been trying to make some 2 color tubes lately and not been satisfied with the results.


I was wondering if putting a clear coat between the colors would keep them from leaking color through.  I'm not talking about bleeding just color leaking.  I did some red/black and some chart/black and didn't like the results at all.

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Sounds like your plastic is too hot and not cooling fast enough before you make your second dip.  I'm not sure a clear coat will do anything other than waste more plastic.


Do you have a picture of the flawed finished product compared to the commercially available products out there?


Remember, we don't judge here, but there are a lot of answers to be found on this site

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Maybe I was not clear enough.  I'm not doing laminates.  Those I inject and am done with.  I'll try again to explain.


I am dipping tubes that I have earlier injected to get a different color on the tails than the body.  They weren't dipped on the same day that they were made.


The red tubes and the chart. tubes were dipped into black plastisol up to the tail strips.  I just did some pbj.  The purple showed through the brown even though the brown was almost chocolate.

Edited by Jig Man
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I know its labor intensive but if your doing a batch for yourself there is a video on youtube of someone who shoots the tail color first then takes the mandrel out cuts the tube off the mandrel leaving the tails intact on the mandrel and places it back in the mold and shoots the tube body, de-molds then dips for a thicker body.

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