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Problems With Gst After First Dip Then Doing Touch Ups

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I painted a gill pattern yesterday morning and did my first dip. Tonight I added the eyes and sprayed some ears on and touched up the belly with some white. I heat set it good and then dipped. Immediately after cleaning the tail eye I noticed the ears actually slid or shrank down uniformly off the edge of the gill and the bottom wrinkled. What did I do wrong? Used createx paint. I'm an extreme rookie learning by error as usual.

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I haven't heard of people applying heat to GST yet.  From my experience, it takes a couple weeks to fully cure (a day or so to be fishable though).  I think most clear coats are going to give you issues if you heat set anything after 1 day.  I would paint everything in one setting and leave the GST for the final process.

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When I say "Heat set" just ran the heat gun over my touch ups not much hotter than a blow dryer just to make sure the paint was good and dry before dipping. I have done this with MCU with out issue. I have ruin a few baits pulling the paint off when I used tape in the past and suck at making stencils. Was hoping this would work. Most likely the more experienced painters know better but just incase thought I'd mention it incase someone else got the bright idea or figured out a way todo it with some other coating before redipping. I'll take your advice and leave the GST for very last.

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