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Smiling Bills Aka Hot Lips

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I want to pour some of these jigs but don't want the eyes that are in the mold. I can only think of 2 ways to eliminate them. One would be to fill in the small holes in the mold that make the eyes but can't decide the best material, or to file off the eyes after they are poured. For those who pour these jigs, and eliminate the eyes, what do you do to accomplish this. Thanks for your help. Pop

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It depends on what size and how many you are pouring. If you are pouring under 1oz then I would just fire up a dremel and grind the eyes on the jig flush, the only way I would modify the mold is if I was going to pour a bunch at one time, that makes for a lot of grinding so it would be easier to modify the mold. As for the modification all you really need to do if fill in the eye socket, you can do it permanently by using JB Weld or you can use JB Weld High Temp Epoxy Putty for a temporary mod. The only problem with the putty is after 20 pours or so it may pop out.

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