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mold making product

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this is my 1st post to this unbelievable web site thanks to all you out there who helped us newbies. ok on with the product that I have played with to make molds it is called Denstone it is used by dentist to take Impressions of your teeth easy to use and makes exact copys of anything, it comes in a fine powder form, just add water stuff dries in about 10 min made two part molds using pam as a mold release I have even poured lead in this stuff

I've taken some info off the box. Modern Materials seems to be the distributer also has this number for tech assistance 1-800-343-5336 hope it helps

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This is a great first contribution Thanks. I would like to try this stuff but it sounds epensive, if dentists use it I figure it is. I currently use fiberglass resin and Rvt sillicone, resin is cheap rvt is way too expensive. What is the pricing on this stuff and where do you buy it?

Thanks, Tm

PS what is the finish like on the molds?

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Well I think the last time i bought some it cost me about $30.00 for 50lbs

but it comes in smaller boxes were i got it my wife worked in a dentist office so you might want to talk with your dentist to see if they use the same stuff as far as the finish this stuff is a real fine powder and when it sets this has a very smooth surface i tried some on a worm once and the lettering from the worm was perfect it makes exact copys of what ever you try and do


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I'm strictly a fiberglass resin guy. Along time ago I told people to buy it at Wal-Mart cause it was cheap. Well they were out and I didn't have enough left for what I needed. So I asked my wife to just spend the extra at the parts store while she was in town. She got it at Autozone and it was only $25 for 1 gallon! That's versus $9 per quart at wally. Something to check into if you use a lot. I got that gallon 1 week ago and it's almost gone.

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Hi woodsac, do make 2 part molds out of the resin? If so how!! What do you use for a release agent? And is the lure itself hard when you make the mold? I know some agents will melt a clay sculpture if it, some people use the clay that u bake so it's hard when making the mold.....


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No 2 part molds with resin. :(

As it cures, it heats up from the catalyst and this causes it to shrink. I have used clay in the past. Resin is tricky. If you use a soft plastic for your mold, you risk ruining it. If not from the heat then from the glue used to hold it in place. If you bake the clay to a hard state, it's incredibly hard to remove from the mold, because it has no give. I try and just bake it enough to make it so I can still sand on it, but that it's soft enough that I can dig it out of the mold when it's done. It's a trial and error thing.

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