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Tm Customs

? for the Moderators new tackle making section

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I was wondering if you guys could devote a tackle making section soley to jigs? There not really files or wire baits so mabey they could use there own catagory. I know this probably wont happen, but I know there are enought guys out there who make flipping jigs and custom tie jigs that it would be worth while. I don't think jigs recive enough attention, especially since they win so many tornaments and hair jigs may be the number 1 way to catch smallies. I figure why not throw the idea out there. Just putting a new idea out there for you guys, let me know what you think.

Thanks, Tm

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I dont see any problems with doing that, give us a lil time, we'll be adding some moderators soon & re-organizing some stuff here, nothing huge though. The existing jig topics will have to be moved over to the new forum also.

I agree that jigs dont get alot of attention here, but that falls true for fly tying, rod making & other areas of tackle that we dont even currently support (like net-making) In time hopefully we'll have more members who make those baits & when they do, we'll accomodate the best we can.

thanks for the suggestion!

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Thanks that will be great I know the guy who tie fles hate looking through the gallery and seeing a bunch of jigs. I have alot of hair jigs all different types I'd like to post some pics of I really worked hard making them special blends of powder paint mixes with glitter and I ordered all different types of hair from all over the last year or so I am antious to get some ideas out there and get some new ones my self.

Thanks, Tm

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Was involved with the last wire bait swap and have a pic posted on page 1 of the Swap Pics post in the wire bait forum. Also have some pics posted in the gallery. Started doing UL jigs years ago and am doing a lot of saltwater stuff now.

Just started pouring plastics about 6 months ago (thanx to TU). Concentrating mostly on saltwater style swimbaits.

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