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Big Joe8565

Newbie to pouring

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Just ordered my first supply of plastics from Del-Mart and will start pouring for the first time next week. I'll be making stick baits and attempting to use a microwave to melt the plastic. Is there any advice you pro's would like to offer a newbie before I start. By the way, do any of you add hardner to your stick baits and if so, how much?

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Before you get too worried about colors and mixtures, get the process down. Heat the plastic in short intervals until you get used to what it takes to get your plastic ready. It always varies. For instance I figured out that I can use (2) 3 minute cycles just fine. However some guys only use (3 or 4) 30 second cycles. So start slow and stir often.

Also be very very carefull... One burn will ruin you for life and you cant just wipe the stuff off. If you do you will just make it spread the burn. If you use pyrex cups, do not let it contact much cooler surfaces and never water!!!

That should get you in the right direction. After you have the process down, then you can start with the really fun stuff.... We are always here so ask away.

Good Luck

John Huffman

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Don't expect perfection right away it takes alot... of practice. Keep track of how much you add to each batch (measure) then adjust your formulas based on the results. If bait too stiff add softner, if sink rate too slow add more salt etc. Read as many of the previous posts that you can find on senko/stick making that you can find in this forum and follow the formulas in the color sticky in the first topic until you get the hang of it. Lastly feel free to ask for advice you will always get an answer you can use :)


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If you heat a small amount of plastic in a pyrex cup use this time for a (1CUP) 130s-stir-55-stir-35-stir pour. If you use a longer time to cook the plastic it will scorch and turn yellow or brown.


PS sticks 1cup plastic 1/2cup salt finely ground 1/4cup softener this will be compareable to yamamotos

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