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Foiling Flutter Jigs

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Not sure exactly what type of foil is being used in the video, but a lot of folks here at TU use Venture BriteBak aluminum foil. It's an adhesive backed foil and seems to be thinner than some of the foil used for sealing duct work.  I get mine from Sunshine Glass Works at the link below. You'll have to scroll down a little ways to find the foil.


The scales are done by using a straight edge and something like a smooth edged butter knife run alongside of the straight edge to create a slight indentation. I don't know of any foil that comes with the scale pattern already on it. If you decide to go with this foil and want some help with applying the scale pattern just holler and I will go into more detail.


good luck,




Edited by RayburnGuy
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THank you both. I will try the duct material first. Shipping is about the same cost for a role of the venture product.

Do you create the scale pattern after applied? I would think that the scales would be flattened out during application if you made them first.

Do you epoxy over the tape? Or spray a coat of clear?

Anything I need to do to prep the lead? In the vid it looks like he sprayed them white first? For adhesion assistance?



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I have seen them on youtube they will imprint the scale pattern before and it holds up to handling even saw that done with plain old tinfoil but I have no personal experience with it. I would suggest that you clear coat after your finished, you do know that you can purchase various colored foils from places like Do-It for this purpose as well as the clear coat product, get a look at their site you might see something you like there. As far as prepping the lead if its oxidized I would resolve that first, think someone said to just clean with vinegar the best thing to do is post some of your questions over on the wire baits forum you'll have a better chance getting good answers there that's where the lead guys hang out. Good luck and post some pics when ya get er done!

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I make the scale pattern before applying the foil to the lure. The foil isn't hard to apply on a fairly flat surface so not much burnishing is needed. Where you start running into difficulty is on baits with compound curves. The sharper the curves the harder it is to get the foil to lay down properly. I wouldn't think a flutter jig would be hard to do from looking at pictures of them. They look fairly flat and don't seem to have a radius that is too tight.


The BriteBak foil has a fairly strong adhesive, but I've never tried the foil used for duct work so I can't speak about it. The strong adhesive on the BriteBak will help hold the foil down when working it smooth on a curved part of the lure.


If you need help applying the scale pattern to the foil just holler back and I'll explain how I do it.



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