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mark poulson

Watermelon Red Flake Again

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I am still having problems getting a watermelon bait with red flake that looks right.  Every time I get the watermelon color right, and then add the red flake, I wind up with an almost pumpkin brown bait.

I'm using Del's watermelon, and Del's .15 red flake.  I add some softener and heat stabilizer, heat the plastic in 1 minute microwave bursts to 340-350, stir in the color, and then add the flake.  I reheat to 340 and pour or inject.

I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, but I can't figure out what.


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Have always used a mix of the MF NB watermelons (watermelon and watermelon brown), and 2 sizes of red flake from Lurecraft, usually with mid size black. Some of the greens have always been tricky about fading or changing color after being poured.


Q's (or assumptions)...


Color is mixed well?


Salt added?


Does the same flake cause changes to any of your other colors?


Does the flake look "ok" after poured, still red, not curled, etc.?


If it is not a temperature or process problem, might just need to add some extra green color of one flavor or another.

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Color is mixed well.


It happens with or without salt.


I only use the .15 flake in watermelon.


The flake doesn't seem to be curled, but it's hard to tell if it's unchanged, because the bait has turned muddy.


I've tried adding more green after I add the flake, but I lose the translucent watermelon color.


I was thinking of offsetting the additional red by adding either blue or yellow, but I don't know how that will look either.

I think my next batch I'm going to cook the plastic, stir in the flake, and then start adding the watermelon green, to see if that makes a difference.

I may even use straight green instead of watermelon, and then add some black flake, too, but I'm just groping around in the dark.  I really have no clue what I'm doing.

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I'll try some 


Have you tried using just straight MF's watermelon?  Always seemed to work for me.  I never tried Del's watermelon, but I had the same problem you're having with Lure Craft's.  Once I used MF, problem solved!

 Thanks.  I see in my Lure Parts Online catalog they sell it, so I'll order some today.

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Here is my recipe for watermelon red which I've had several people say they prefer over zoom and other brands.

1/2 cup of plastic

3 drops Green Pumpkin

1 drop Watermelon

1 drop Natural

4 drops Lime Green

.035 black flake

.015 red flake

All colors are from lurecraft, I have watermelon 101 from lure works but I like this recipe better than the one I came up with using 101 even though it is a good colorant. If you would like that recipe as well let me know and I can go digging for it.

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Here are some pictures for you.  The top one is watermelon slick willy's, no red flake but you can see how nice of a watermelon color it is.  I used these pics because my watermelon red is a little hard to see because it was cloudy outside when I took it.



Seedless Watermelon red hand pours


Watermelon Red


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MonteSS where did you get that mold. Looks like a rage craw.


Shhhh......I was hoping no one would notice.


The Zoom Watermelon is a great color but not really watermelon IMO


And yes mine is that ugly LC watermelon that is way too green. Just showing that the 035 does not brown it up.

Edited by MonteSS
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I am going to play around with both MF color, and Baitjunky's flake and color, and see if either, or both, work for me.

I think you're probably right about the Del's flake not liking higher temps., but I add it after the first 350 cook, and try to keep it down to 330 after that.  I hand pour a lot, and need the plastisol up to 330 to get it to pour well.

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