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Jig Swap 6/04

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Alright I have been busy as heck lately but have been giving alot of thought to a jig swap. I am gonna set a cap on this to 10-12 members so there should be plenty of room for everybody interested. OK, Here are the rules:

1. I will leave the Roster open for one week or until the max cap is reached whichever comes first. Once the Roster is closed then absolutely no exceptions or late additions will be accepted or added to the roster.

2. Shipping will be $6.75 per participant in the lower 48 and $10.00 for all others...no offense to anyone or anyplace but the shipping is higher for packages going elsewhere...I have had to pay out of my own pocket in the past and do not wish to do so ever again, plus the paperwork. Shipping fees can be sent by check or money order with your package or thru paypal to me; whatever is convient for you. I ship as soon as I recieve the last package and try to have it there as fast as the shipping fees will allow.

3. The date to ship your package to me will be decided by member vote after roster is closed, each participant's swap package will include one (1) swap pack per pariticipating member... so if there are 10 total participants on the Roster then each participant will need to send 10 individual packs, this keeps my job sorting everything out real easy and gets your goodies out much quicker in other words everyone will get one of their own plus one from every other participating member mailed back to them. Return address labels, while not manditory are very much appreciated. Personalized swap packs are welcome and encouraged, I think its great that some of you guys take the time to customize each participant's swap pack and says more about this community than anything, just do me a favor and have each package clearly labeled and I will make sure it gets to the intended member.

4. This is a "JIG" swap, I have worked on jigs so much the past couple of years that I have earned a Bachelor degree in JIGONOMETRY and my Masters in JIGOLOGY so feel free to ask me by responding to this post or with a pm if you are unsure about anything. :lol:

Seriously though: I am always available either thru the forum(s), the TU Private Message feature or with my personal email if need be for a swap question or anything else for any of our members...you guys are the heartbeat of this community...but remember that any swap-specific questions would best help the other members if it were posted here (if possible) so please don't hesitate to ask. Personally, I like to know as much about what I am doing as I can and I just don't think there is such a thing as a stupid question, if you don't ask then you might not ever know!!

5. A dollar amount, price range or something should be set by those participating so everyone involved both gives and recieves equally. I am all for a $10.00 bar myself, we went with this on the last swap I believe and it seemed to work great.

6. With everyone's permission...lets keep this a freshwater swap with no salt water baits allowed. Again I am not trying to step on anyone's toes and only wish to keep everything fair for all those involved and most of us do not fish any salt water or have any use for saltwater baits nor would it be fair for those that do not fish freshwater or have a use for freshwater baits. Plus those big saltwater baits make for heavier packages that everyone must cover which doesn't seem very fair either. I just want this to be fair and equal for all concerned, I will be more than happy to host another swap along with this one and that is equally dedicated to saltwater jigs if needed, just let me know what you guys want to do.

This is gonna be so cool...some of our member's creations really blow my mind away and a swap is always a fun and easy way to get introduced to their work as well as flex your own creative skillz, so if you haven't ever joined a swap then this would be a good one to jump on...The roster is open, but I am going to take the liberty of putting my name at the top of the list

06/04 Jig Swap

1. Celticav

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06/04 Jig Swap

1. Celticav

2. siebler_custom_baits

3. Tm Customs

4. brian ranger619

5. SeminoleFan

6. Mr B

Let me clarify some questions that have come up for everyone so we all stay on the same sheet of music.

- As far as the freshwater vs saltwater is concerned that is up to all concerned, lets hear what your talking about or see some pics, lol...most of it probably will be fine with all, like I said as long as those participating feel everything is fair thats all I care about. If we need to have seperate swaps and there is enough interest for both then we can do that.

-The shipping fee covers the package of mixed baits that I send back to you after I sort thru them all and divide the plunder... if your in the U.S.' lower 48 then send a check, money order, or paypal me for $6.75 to cover your shipping, if not then your fee is $10.00...this is to make sure that I can send everyone else's packages back to them with priority mail or such so they get it in 2-3 days like I planned. Put simply: the fees for those that live out of the 48 are higher because I don't feel it is right for everyone else to pay for what should be priority and then have to wait on parcel post just absorb your higher shipping costs. If it costs more to ship to me than it does to ship to you then it is only right that I cover that cost...just like I would expect to pay if it was a package from a company that I had ordered, regardless of what company and package would charge more to ship.

-I did raise the shipping a little this swap for us in 48, all of 75 cents to be exact, this was to cover the possibility that each package going out might contain as much as 12 packages of custom jigs from 12 different people and I felt that it was better to make sure all was covered.

To those that politely pm'ed me or emailed me inquiring about the ship fees, I hope I covered the fees for everyone, but I am still human may need my memory joggeled if I did forgot anything. Just remember that this site is about communication and co-operation and most of us wanna keep it that way. I can safely say that anyone is free to speak to Red, Toby, or any mod about any and every concern with TU, thats what we do and we love to do it.

Tight Lines,


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Wow! It's running outta room fast, only three seats left! Hopefully we can close the roster tomorrow evening and vote on a date for you guys to ship to me.

Heres the line up:

06/04 Jig Swap

1. Celticav

2. siebler_custom_baits

3. Tm Customs

4. brian ranger619

5. SeminoleFan

6. Mr B

7. Markell

8. Ledhead

9. DeVery

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Where do we stand on the "Saltwater Jigs" issue. I can easily make small salt water type jigs, but as you know they are not usually used by fresh water fishermen. If I can't get in on this one I would definatly be interested in a "Saltwater Jig" swap

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Now that the swap is on, I am going to start making my jigs. I am making rabbit hair jigs and mabey a few out of artic fox if anyone wants them, I would rather anyone who has a preference of what they get PM me and let me know. I dont want to send you something you will never use.

Heres what I have....

1/8oz stand ups

1/4oz stand ups

1/4 footballs

3/8oz footballs

1/16 ball heads 2/0 hooks only have about 10 left

I am powder coating them all in custom colors


Rabbit hair Orageish Brown

Rabbit hair silver gray

Fox hair grey

Fox hair white

So if you have any preference let me know otherwards I'll just tie you and assortment.

squirrel Natural

Thanks, Tm

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Hey Celticav, I have a question. You wrote

"5. A dollar amount, price range or something should be set by those participating so everyone involved both gives and recieves equally. I am all for a $10.00 bar myself, we went with this on the last swap I believe and it seemed to work great"

I just need to know is this a $10 pack for each person involved?

Also is it $10, my cost or what I would sell them for?



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