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Chrome Finish On Crank Baits

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If you are looking for a reflective surface, use mylar.  Purchase a couple of the space blankets and you are on your way.  I am currently experimenting with gluing on the mylar, then I apply a coat of epoxy on top.  Then I paint the lure.  This process keeps the paint seperate from the reflective surface.  I just started this process in January and should have some finished lures in a couple of weeks.  The hard part is getting the mylar to lay flat.  I will detail what I am doing once I have a few lures finished properly.

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jettsonlures, good luck on getting the Mylar to lie flat.  Been working that as well.  The Chrome Mylar can be found in balloons, Hydroponic reflective walls, portable gym mirrors, as well as the space blanket.  I too am working on it, but I am not pleased with the results yet.


woodieb8, the topcoat seems to be the problem.  I have tried EnviroTech lite, Solar Res UV, DupliColor clear coat automotive, even Future floor wax.  In every case, the results are hazy.  One side note is that even though I don't have the Mylar laying flat on curved surfaces, I did test the same top coats on them.  Sure enough the ETech, the DupliColor and the Future all came out extremely good, with the Solar Res was only slightly less quality.  Is the Vacuum material as non-reactive as Mylar?


I have seen the fingernail Chrome polish and the results I saw were that it does not last well, does not hold up to repeated hand washing.  My lures get washed a lot more then my hands.  LOL  It would love to see photos that someone else did with it.  I checked it out on EBay, and it runs about $10 per just a quarter of an ounce......... OUCH!


I am still working other options, but ......... a piece of foil is not a bad idea, a lot of lures use it.  I prefer a better presentation, but maybe nothing else will work.... only time will tell.


In the mean time, would love to see someone post the fingernail polish applied or even the Mylar. 8O

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Vacuum plating is a process done inside of a vacuum chamber. The process consists of an electrode being grounded to an ingot of whatever material the lure is to be plated with. The positive electrode is then allowed to come in contact with the ingot. This vaporizes the metal which then coats the lure. This is a short description of the actual process. For a more detailed explanation just do a search for "vacuum plating".



Edited by RayburnGuy
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So far the clear coat test have not been good at all.

I have some on the turner now so I will photo and update later, but so far the Solar Res UV that I use was a complete bust. It actually ate the AlClad 2 and the Krylon Metallic paints, leaving a dull finish and black from the undercoating showing through. When I tested it on a sample of AlClad 2 without backing, it turned the paint white. I have some UV Cure from Alumilite that I am testing (thanks MIke) and it did not eat the paints, but it did kill the gloss. Still, it was fast, much better then the Solar Res and EnviroTec that I also used.

On part of the same test spoon I put EnviroTec Lite on it and it hazed bad. I also coated part with plain old future wax and it still hazed. Needles to say, when I used Duplicolor Automotive Clear Coat, it hazed as well. The chrome color from the paint worked, but no coat is possible that I have found. I am going to try some Alumilite Amazing Clear Cast in the next couple of days.

The good news is that I had some Chrome Mylar that I applied to a spoon, but the bad news is that I cannot get the wrinkles out. Nevertheless, I coated it with the Duplicoat Automotive Clear Coat and it came out excellent. It got me thinking, and that can be a bad thing.

I have not tried this yet, but have some on order. What is this???? See attached:

http://www.ebay.com/itm/390800191760?_t ... EBIDX%3AIT

http://www.ebay.com/itm/111165507427?_t ... EBIDX%3AIT

http://www.ebay.com/itm/190805363590?_t ... EBIDX%3AIT


I think that this automotive wrap, in Chrome options, will work. Will get back with you in a couple of months on that.......I hope.

I sure hope this helps those that want chrome, even though I am not there yet.

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Vacuum plating is a process done inside of a vacuum chamber. The process consists of an electrode being grounded to an ingot of whatever material the lure is to be plated with. The positive electrode is then allowed to come in contact with the ingot. This vaporizes the metal which then coats the lure. This is a short description of the actual process. For a more detailed explanation just do a search for "vacuum plating".






I quite agree, Vacuum plating is THE way to go.  I am familiar with the procedure, but have

not done it myself with Chrome.  With Silver and Nickel, you get a less then smooth result that requires polishing.  With the Vacuum plating method, or any electrically deposited method, you need an electrically conductive material, something that wood and plastic are not. To overcome this problem, I have previously located the following:



Nevertheless, this is only part way there.  We also need a relatively inexpensive way to deposit the chrome metal safely. Preferably we need to deposit it smooth. I believe that the following items will solve that:



While I am going to tackle the auto wrap procedure, I could use some help with the above method, or even another method.


I think that we can solve the problem, but …….. like Edison, I sure know several ways that do not work. :pissed:  :mad:  :lolhuh:


Edited by Anglinarcher
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I didn't have time to view your links but just so you know I have used the chrome vinyl wrap a it will work if you can get it to lay down smooth I haven't given up yet just been limited on my time lately but I had a problem with epoxy on it not releasing the air bubbles hope you have better luck

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I haven't had time to work on this issue since shortly after starting this thread but the issue I had with the paint was hazing with the clear coat taking away the mirror look of the bait and the boat wrap material was hard to get to lay flat but I've got a few ideas but just no time to try them or the suggestions that others have had maybe this winter I can try again but work keeps me occupied now

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If your using aluminum foil tape then don't forget you can polish it if it's not reflective enough for you. All you need are the felt polishing wheels for a Dremel and some polishing compound. I Haven't been able to get a true "mirror" finish, but it's much more reflective than when it comes off the roll.


If your looking for something that compares to the mirror finish on manufactured lures then get ready to spend some money as nothing I've found will match that finish and still be economical.



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