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Mcu And Bloxygen

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Hi there,

Do someone know a source in germany for moisture cure urethan for lures and someting similar to this bloxygen?

I just found stuff from the USA.

And second question, is createx paint drying very quick or does it take some time? I'm looking for something wich is drying almost instantly!


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I assume there must be sources for moisture cured urethanes in Europe.  Dick Nite S81 is popular here because it has low viscosity and is custom-formulated for coating lures, but there are other brands of MCU sold by paint companies as floor finishes, like Famowood and Garco.


Bloxygen is nitrogen and argon.  I think a gas used for welding would be similar but it might not be sold in the handy aerosol cans like Bloxygen.  You might check for anything sold as a "finish preserver", which is the primary function of Bloxygen.


Createx is water based latex and dries as soon as you can evaporate the water, in 15-30 seconds with a hair dryer.  Lacquer based paints naturally dry quicker than Createx and are sold by taxidermy paint sources but are toxic and require respiratory protection when using with an airbrush, which is why water based paint is more popular.

Edited by BobP
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