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Blue superpro210

Fluid Bed Air Pump

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I would first try a different filter membrane.

Unless you have some really large cups you should be fine power wise.

I have a dual output from wally world and run 2-12" tall cups for long saltwater slab jigs with it without issues.

Each powder is different and some of them like a different membrane or more or less airflow.

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Yes the Membrane is what allows the air through but not the powder.

If you look at a coffee filter towards a light you will see it is very uneven in thickness hence it is often doubled up or tripled up to form a thicker membrane.

What I would try is getting a bunch of different membranes and having them handy. Try them out until you find one you like.

Some suggestions for membranes are: Tyvek either housewrap or the free envelopes from the post office. Just be sure to have the label side up. Brown paper lunch bags, Different weights of printer paper,The outer bag material from vacuum cleaner bags, Macdonald's bags,etc.

What I learned to do from a forum member is to buy some knock out test caps from the hardware store. Put one in a piece of PVC then punch out the center. Throw the center away. Remove the remaining outer ring. Place your membrane over your PVC cup and replace the ring. You now have a nice tight membrane that is easily replaced.

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The air pumps are rated for what gallon tank they are for. Most can get by with a 20 gallon tank pump, which I have also, but amusing a 40 tank pump right now.


I am using brown paper lunch bags as my "membrane". Lay it out flat, put some caulk on the PVC pipe, sit it on the bag where there is no seam. Sit a weight on top of PVC pipe. let cure, use a razor to trim the paper away from the pipe edges.


Make sure your cup is in straight while using it, I have had that cause bad air flow. Also, some powders will not ionize as well as others. I have some issues with pink, and big issues when I tried to use black. A mixture of white/pearl is all I use in it now, and almost all jigs get that as a base before I tap on the other colors with a brush.

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