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Tying Marabou Bucktails

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The way the marabou is tied on those big spinners isn't hard to do, you just need the right material and a lot of it. If you use blood quill marabou you would need about a 1/4oz bag to tie 1 bait but I bet they use a woolybugger marabou which you would need only half the amount. It isn't a big secret on how those are tied, it is actually pretty basic as they aren't hackle tied but instead full plumes are tied in by the stem. If you never tied any marabou them a video will help, the easiest thing to look for on youtube os a marabou jig, just look that up, the videos you want to see are the ones in which a plume is tied in by the stem instead of tied in at the tip and then spun around the hook. If you still need help I'll try to do my best.

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