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Mustad 32796 Hook In Do It Arky Flat Eye Mold

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I am trying to modify my flat eye Arky Do it jig mold to use the 32796 Mustad hook. It looks like if I enlarge the hook slot a small amount I should be good to go. Can someone tell me if I am on the right track or recommend a stiffer hook with a wider bite than the 32798. 

Edited by pkeys
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Believe it or not, but I am currently doing that right now, that is what I am waiting a 3/0 hook for. My mold is a bit worn, but the hooks fit in the mold without modification, at least mine did. I assume you are talking about the double collar flat eye Arky mold? I will check shortly for you on fit.

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You'll need to enlarge the eye slot as well as the hook channel, I prefer the new Trokar Arky mold, the reason is it uses a heavy flipping hook and I prefer the vertical eye over the flat eye for flipping. That said, if you want to modify your mold, take a 32796 hook in the size you want and lay it in the cavity you want it to work in, take a scratch awl or something else to mark the mold with and then do the same thing to the other side. Normally a dremel will work great but there isn't a lot of material to remove so I would suggest using needle files but if you have a steady hand and good eyes a dremel will make quick work of it.

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     As I mentioned my mold is a bit worn. But these hooks will fit in your Arky mold


Mustad 32796


1/4oz cavity 2/0 and 3/0

3/8 oz cavity 4/0

1/2 oz cavity 4/0


A 5/0 will not fit the 1/2 oz cavity. So if your mold is new, then take the advice of smalljaw


Also  Eagle Claw (EL2706) hook is a exact match for the Mustad hook you mentioned above, and a lot cheaper in price. They are excellent hooks.

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Been there done that buddy. I got it where a 4/0 and 5/0 fits in the 1/2 and 3/8 ... I had customers that hated the hook it was designed for. Open up the hook eye area with a dremel tool and I got a drill bit the size of the hook and opened up the channel that way. Not much to it. Take it slow and easy. The 60 degree flat eye 5/0 Trokar also fits in my modified arky mold in the 1/2 and 3/8.

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