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TU Soft Plastic Swap 07/04

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D.S., I can't speak for anyone else, but if anyone drops the swap, I hope you add the remaining bags from the stuff I sent to the auction to benefit T.U., I know T.U. has been of great benefit to me. Looks like the old worm bag will be loaded for the fall bite out here! Can't wait to get some owners in those baits! :twisted:

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I got mine on Saturday... You guys are making some awesome baits. I wasn't a fan of one part molds, but I think you guys have convinced me that it's not the mold that makes the bait look good, it's the pourer that makes the bait look good.

The only complaint that I have is that I could not get out to fish :(

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I received my baits today!!!! All of you have some really cool looking baits, and quite a variety I might say. This swap not only gives each of us some new lures, but some new color and style ideas as well.

I appreciate the effort that each person has put into this swap, especially deadly streamer!

Bronchitis turned to pneumonia. I am glad I finished the baits when I did! Sorry for my shaky pouring :)


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Hi Guys,

I got my lures on Sat. and took my wife out fishing.

I let her look through all the packs and she picked out a bait by BASSNG3 in a green and brown mix with some red , green and I think gold flake.

I was fishing a Tantrum Lures buzz bait , and not gettin alot of fish but Tony was across the lake fishing, the same bait and wacking fish like crazy. My wife likes lazy man fishing so she likes my Sink-n-Fool baits and the other senko type baits.

Well she nails a hog on BASSN bait, it went 6 or 6 1/2 pounds, I lip that one for her and take the pix of her holding it and on her next cast she wacks a 3 1/2 lb. fish.

I finally get my first fish on the buzzer but it was a dink, meanwhile she's got another nice one on.

I went to my Sink-n-fool and picked up some more small fish up to about 2 lb. She got another large fish at about 4 lb. and lost a few others that were HOGS. She really liked your baits but she lost the bait on every fish just about. If it shook hard it would throw the bait of the hook. I finnaly got a nice fish on the buzz bait. The longest skinnyest 4 lb. fish I've ever seen. It looked more like a green trout lol

She used all the baits up and got about 8 fish, so she said you could send her a few more to test . :)

She's going to try some of the other baits next time out.

Most of you guys are making some gr888888888888888 baits. :)

I did get a few color ideas also.

The one thing I would really like to know from BASSN if he will share his secrets if how he gets such a nice looking 2 color pour out a 2 piece senko type mold?

His the pastic is mixed as mine has a hard line. So Bassn wahts the secret.

Oh PS I'll post the pix of her big fish as soon as I get my main computer fixed , on the backup right now.

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FishNFool I'm glad your wife has an eye for a great bait :D . I don't do anything special when I make my laminates just open mold up, pour one side, put it back together and pour until full. Glad you liked the baits. :D

I think I answered all your questions it looked as if you were writing in code or something :? .


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Oh 1 more thing who made the pack that had the purple worms with the white curl tail.

I either lost or it had no name on it.

That purple with the white curl tail was from MoJo. There was a name tag in all the bags. Must have blown away. Mojo is the owner of that one.

I enjoyed reading your fishing story. Sounds like your Wife is a real fisherwomen. That's cool.

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Yep, the purple one was mine. I'll post the recipe to the sticky tomorrow.

All my worms were curly tails. The only molds I had at the time, I was in a rush to get them done and shipped off, as I went on vacation the last 2 weeks of July. I'm back now, received 2 new molds, and am really getting into pouring!

I've got a 2 piece senko and BigZ's new Slither mold. Man! I like that mold. Puts out some very unique baits.

The wife and I are going to some local ponds this weekend and try out some of the worms. Should be fun. She prefers to catfish but she'll go bassin' with me whenever we can get out.

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Got mine today there are some nice looking baits in the bunch. Sorry about the bags mine were in I was wating on my order of bags did'nt get them in time.

Bassng3: I like your sticks are you using bob's older molds? What recipe are you using for them? The green weeine color is very nice.

Bass8baits: Very nice drop shot baits. Happens to be one of my favorite tecniques, have you tryed using a castic minnow jig insted of a weight is fun catching 2 at a time.

Big Z: The crawg is very cool can't wait to try it.

Cflbasser: Are you using any salt in your baits?

FingerlakesbaitCo.: I may have to get that little grub mold have you cought any good fish on it?

FF: I didnt relize you are using 2 pice molds. Its a shame that the 2 best colors you sent are now Chartruse :( The blue shad and the pearl, oh well the burgandy one w/ blue is cool.

Mojo: nice smoke color :wink:

Scott: Yours were the green weenie color right? Dropshot baits? Nice I will give them a try.

Charkins: Is the mold your using a del-mart hog?

Thanks again DS

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Quote from TM;

"Cflbasser: Are you using any salt in your baits? "

I was wondering the same thing. You have some nice looking baits CF but the sink rate is to slow.

If you put any salt in them, it must not be anything near what the other guys are putting in. I put in about 50% salt in my sinking baits.

Another quote from TM;

"FF: I didnt relize you are using 2 pice molds. Its a shame that the 2 best colors you sent are now Chartruse The blue shad and the pearl, oh well the burgandy one w/ blue is cool. "

Huh? LOL

Yes I make my own 2 piece molds.

I could not make my bait in a one piece mold.

My bait is my own design so It has no copies out there.

I'm not sure what you mean here TM. You didn't like the colors? The Red Shad sinking bait is one of my best fish catchers.

The Red Shad, Purple, and the Chartruse ones are all sinking baits, the others are my topwater and jerkbaits.

I like the color of Electric Ice Blue and Watermelon gold ones.

I did good on the Chartruse ones in the river for Smallies.

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