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Curt - NC

Using A Bobbin With Wire For Tying Jigs

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Guys, I have searched the forums and found nothing about this specific topic anywhere, so hopefully someone here can help me out.


I tie my jigs with wire and living rubber. I don't use silicone, at least not at this time.


I have a pretty good method down, but I think if I used a bobbin and spooled wire it would cut the time by at least 30 - 40%.


Have any of you used a bobbin for tying jigs or flies with wire?


If so, what brand/model of bobbin and what type of wire works for you?


I have been craft wire from craft stores. I can't remember the diameter off the top of my head, but it's something like .020, I think. Very easy to work with as far as not being too unruly, but it only comes either on a card, in a loose coil, or on a small spool that has very large holes in the end, not the typical sized holes of a spool.


So if anyone knows of a bobbin that's good for use with wire, as well as a wire that works well with a bobbin, please let me know!


Thanks in advance.

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I tie a lot of hair jigs and I have an assortment of bobbins but I wouldn't use them for wire but if it is on a spool I guess 26 gauge wire may come out ok. You need to get a metal tube with no ceramic insert, the ceramic bobbins are good as they are smooth so the thread doesn't get frayed or cut when tension is applied with the bobbin so a cheap bobbin and look for a larger one used for jigs or saltwater flies, more likely they will be cheap as all the good ones are ceramic.

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Two fly tying companies make a bobbin specially for wire and lead. Renzetti makes a "lead and wire" bobbin, and Griffin makes a "material" bobbin. You can do a search for either. Both are metal tubes without insert, but have a flared end to help the less flexible wire come out smoothly.


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