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Jacob Pneumatic Injection Press

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There is still very good info passed on this site by manufacturers- which  may save you $ - AND it's free :oooh: Opinions will vary from person to person and their preferred production systems. There are many variables to producing soft-plastic baits. The hobbyist is happy to produce a few where as the commericial manufacturer has to decide between daily production needs and/or custom baits w/ a successful business model.


This is one cutthroat business for sure . Operating a legitimate manufacturing business,paying your quarterly excise taxes on gross sales and charging a fair price for your product is more expensive vs. flying under the I.R.S. Radar screen.


Tempers can & will flair but usually calm down when resposible folks are involved- unless personal attacks take place.Enjoy TU- again copius amounts of spot-on info throughout the entire site


Edited for spelling

Edited by smallmouthaholic
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I'm locking this thread. Keep the bickering down, boys. Opinions can differ, but tempers need to be kept out of it.


Opinions belong to each person and people can agree or disagree. That's part of an open forum. But when it becomes habitual, it's time to lay it to rest and let it go.


Stop fighting and move on.

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