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Which Mold?

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Based on the pictures, it doesn't look like a Do-It mold, but I can't see the section profile. It does have a ball collar. BTW welcome to TU.

Since you have the bait in your hand, go to Do-It's website and take a look at their buzz bait profiles. You might see it there.

Edited by cadman
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There is a small collar on it, I have looked at both hilt and do-it molds and based on the pictures on there sites it is hard to tell which one is the right one. On the do-it site to me it looks like the bullet spinner jig-sgb mold or the hilt next generation mold lmbb-14. Can anyone tell if it looks like one of these based on the pictures above?

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It isn't any mold you could buy stock, it is a custom, you are correct in that it looks similar to a bullet spinnerbait but the buzzbait you are holding has a flat bottom, is there a particular reason you have to have that exact profile? Also, Cadman asked if it has a ball collar, saying it has a collar doesn't help, you have to look and see if it has a barb on it or does the collar have no barb but instead ends in a ball shape. Knowing what kind of collar will narrow down the molds as some have ball collars and others have a ring and barb or ring and holder.

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