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Antifreeze Green Airbrush Paint?

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When I want a green similar to what your talking about I just mix it using blue and yellow paint. If you try mixing your own pour the yellow into your mixing cup first. Blue is a really strong color and will only take a small amount to change the yellow to green so it's best to add the blue to the yellow and try to "sneak up" on the green your looking for. As far which color yellow and blue to use I use Createx transparent brite yellow and brite blue most of the time.


I realize that mixing paints isn't for everyone, but it can come in handy at times. It also cuts down on the number of different color of paints I have to have on hand. It also helps to write the recipe down so if you need the same color again you won't have to experiment.


hope this helps,


Edited by RayburnGuy
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You might even experiment with a bit of Chartreuse in the mix that RayburnGuy recommended.  I also use the Createx transparent colors.  Painting over silver/chrome blades will work best.  If you use opaque paints, blade color shouldn't matter.

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If you don't mind using powder paint then use the Pro Tec "Candy Yellow" it's refered to as anti-freeze by the guys that do their own walleye jigs. Using a white base coat makes it stand out nice.



Edited by Zib
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