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Bass Oreno ...type Of Action?

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I recently acquired an old tackle box with an array of wooden lures....all in seriously poor shape....one is similar to a bass oreno...measures 31/2 inches with cup hook hangers and brass eyes..looks to be cedar...is this a "popper" type lure or shallow runner I would assume popper not much weight...no identifying writing...contemplating cleaning it up and giving it a new "coat of paint"...I'm a sucker for topwater...any info greatly appreciated, thanks...michel

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These vintage plugs surely are time proven lures , and it would be well worth refurbishing your find .

I even make knock-offs of some vintage models , since I've found them to be quite successful on local pike , ....often they are superior over modern lures in terms of casting performance , too .

Here is a little video , that I have put out almost 2 years ago , .....displaying three of my favourite plugs , ......as from 5 :45 on I'm talking about the Bass Oreno there , ...please listen closely , as English is not my first language .

You may also put the term "Bass Oreno" into the YouTube search function ,.....if you're lucky , some other footage might be araound , ...there is of other lures , I know !

Greetz , diemai :yay:

PS : failed to say it clear in the video , ....when flicking the Bass Oreno below the surface , it would dig down for about 1 to 2,5 body lengths(depending on the intensity of the flick) , leaving the line slack instantly , the lure would dart back to the surface tail first and come to float up at almost the same spot that it has been before the flick , ...great to tease a located fish to strike . Edited by diemai
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Dieter - It was good to see the video of the Heddon (second lure in the vid), as I have just designed a soft bait catfish lure with a similar lip. The lure only exists on my computer, but I am hoping someone will buy the design, as I think it will have an awesome action. If I had a workshop, I would make a soft rubber prototype for testing, but that is not going to happen any day soon.



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@ vodaman


Sounds interesting , Dave , .......I hope , that you'd succeed with your design and you'd find a manufacturer .


I recall  , that during the 1960's or 1970's there were some plugs around made of a softer plastic material , they were named "Burke Flex Plugs" , ........but it was not that soft as the plastic material of present days , not by far , .......as it seems , the material was not chosen for action reasons , but just to avoid the plugs to get damaged due to missed casts against hard surfaces or by sharp predator's teeth .




Looking forward to see your refurbishing work , Michel ,  ....and I'm sure that you would not be disappointed with these vintage plugs , as they are definately still capable of doing their job  , even in present days .


@ scrubs


Bill , I had caught small topwater pike on that spot before , lurking underneath the overhanging trees , ...but that particular day was just another "no-go" :lol:!


Greetz , Dieter :yay:

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