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Copyright Question

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I have a question about copyright. How can a person put a copyright on a jig for leaving a few strands of skirt material long? For several years I have been leaving a few strands long on my jig skirts to give it a little extra appeal. Yesterday, I was going through the website and came across a jig company that pretty much did their jigs the same way. The name of the company is or was Black Angel Jigs. Can you put a copyright on a jig for leaving a couple of strands long? I got the idea when War Eagle and Strike King stared leaving a few long strands on spinnerbaits. If there is a copyright on leaving a few skirt strands long are they not infringing on this companies copyright? Also I assume the copyright would come under art. If so then wouldn't allow anyone to put a copyright on any color jig to keep anyone else from using it by calling it art work?

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You are confusing Copyright © which is on words....with a Patent which is on how you do something, the uniqueness of a new idea, or how something is designed.


You would need to have a Patent Attorney do a search on the idea to see if it is patented.  



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Copyright and patents are two separate things, "saltwater" hit the nail on the head with the name being the copyrighted item.  Patents protect intellectual property for its mechanical and utilitarian purposes.

Edited by gonfishn
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