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mark poulson

Old Wiggle Warts

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  On 4/10/2014 at 12:31 AM, ArdentAngler said:

great grab! Now I troll ebay all the time, how did I miss this? Hope they have the hunting action

it was craigslist not ebay.....   be sure to check the barter section of craigslist also.  i find alot of people wanting to trade things for fishing equipment or sell it.

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The oldest wiggle warts retailed in a yellow and red package and were made here in the USA, the molds were not the CNC cut molds of today so there was a bit of flash left over when the halves were assembled. Some were slightly out of alignment when glued as well. The plastic used was a softer plastic than is used today by manufacturers and the weighting system was soft lead which gave the lures a unique sound in the water. Storm moved the production of the baits to Mexico to cut expenses and hence the Yellow and Blue box warts were introduced These baits are still catching fish today. Enter Rapala, Rapala purchased Storm and let the molds of the originals that were in Mexico disappear. Rapala reverse engineered their new version of the Wart that had a 2 piece body, a lip, and a body . This bait was a total flop. So Rapala once again reengineered  their version of the Wart which is very close to the originals is a pretty decent bait. The only difference I can tell is that the plastic is a different density and hardness from the Storm originals so it has a sound that is much more metallic.


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Well...you didn't think you were going to have this conversation without me did ya? It is my understanding that the old original wiggle warts were made of buteryte plastic. (I guess I spelled that right). That type of plastic costs more than your every day plastic. So, keeping with the current trend of business, they did away with it.


I painted some old and new ones for a client once. You can definitely see the difference in the plastic. And their is a difference in the rattles also. I have a couple of the new ones. (At least I think they are the new ones because I got them in 2008). In my opinion they were nothing but crap. I tried to tune three of them. When I moved the line tie I heard a slight click. The line tie had broken loose in the lip. The things will never run right.


I read the article that was posted above. All I got to say is that the so called "experts" are just dopes. It has been decades since the WW was a secret lure. It has been the go to bait of anyone that lives in the midwest. They have been throwing that bait in Misouri since Hughesy was born. (And buddy... that was a long time ago). And then they made this statement "The line ties to a snap instead of an split ring and they gives the bait even more latitude to swim."  :huh:  That is just a dumb statement and totally untrue. NOTHING beats a perfectly round split ring for allowing a bait to achieve its maximum movement potential. Plus they should learn how to proof read their stuff. These guys seem to know a lot about everything. :boo: The web is just full of garbage. However, anything that Blackjack or Hughesy says you can take to the bank. I have learned a lot from both of them. They have a vast amount of knowledge that is accurate. And BobP is no slacker either.


The originals had rattles and they are the secret of pros. Yet, you do nothing but read about how the pros say silent crankbaits are the way to go. (Wish they would make up their mind). :mad:  I still add rattles to some of my baits. And quite a few of the baits that I make for myself have rattles in them. And when Fritts went on his "Take everyones money with a crankbait tour"  many of his 400s and 300s had rattles in them. Trust me... I have seen them and I own a few of his old 400s. I am sure that the older WW are magical because they are so coveted by the folks in the midwest. I guess I will have to find one of these gems and get familiar with it. And thanks to Blackjack :yay:  I will know what packaging to look for. :wink:



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I still have a day left to make any changes, I will see if I can get that different plastic, should I have rattles added to them ? if so will steel rattles be OK ? 


Here is a pic of the lure in white plastic, the white was used so any defects can be seen easier, the lures will be made with clear plastic.



Edited by Predator Bass Baits
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  On 4/11/2014 at 11:34 AM, Predator Bass Baits said:

The mold I had built I used a pre rapala suspending model.

 I hope to have the lures in 1-2 weeks, it will have a lead weight and I hope it hunts like is mentioned. 

Bob, send me a email with your addy and I will send you some to test.

Here's my opinion...

I once tried some WW KOs from a foreign source.  I was very excited about this because I live near the Ozarks, and these baits are very popular.  Some colors are no longer available, and other guys like to customize.  It all sounded like a great opportunity until I made my first cast.  They would dive about 6 inches, and at the first sign of a wobble, flip upside down and rocket to the surface.  I can't find these blanks anymore, so I assume others had the same issue.  They looked great.  The body shape, bill dimensions and angle, line tie and ballast position were all but carbon copies of the originals I own. The only glaring difference I could detect was weight.  The ballast weights were steel, and not very large.  I guess I should have crimped split shots on the belly hook to see if it would eventually swim somewhat correctly to verify this was indeed the problem.  All this is to say that as a satisfied Predator Baits customer, I'd vote for lead weights, if I get a vote.  I think getting the ballast correct will be more forgiving, and I believe most people will prefer the more muted sound.  A silent option would be nice too.  Whatever Jim chooses, I'm sure they'll be right before this blank is made available to the general public.

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I hope to have a picture tonight of the weights inside.

The original lure I guess has 3 balls inside and one was lead, I was told the lead ball was not very good that was in the lure I sent so we shall see.


I know of the WW you are talking about, I got some of them and they would not swim, they would just roll and I think it had something to do with the lip, I had a few guys grind on the lip and made them work.

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The suspending models had 3 ball. The regualrs warts had 2. I think the front one was silent and the rear one rattled. Both of them lead. The suspending one had a third ball that floated around in the body cavity. Not sure what it was made of but i've seen some of them turn to powder.

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The lure will be delayed now because my engineer was going to use stainless steel balls in the lure and now he has to make the lead ball mold, the original lead balls were not round so we will see what my engineer can come up with.

I am going to have the lures made with 2 balls and with the 3rd rattle ball, if I try and have the 2 lead balls glued in place to make the lure silent then the balls will be slightly off center, I know this will not affect the lures action but the lure buyer is very picky and some will be mad and claim it will not work correctly.

What are your thoughts ?

Edited by Predator Bass Baits
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I just ordered some rattle trap baits from Dakota lakes tackle, the steel balls were glued into the head of the lure off center. I was thinking they would not swim straight, but they do! I don't care now, but seeing them glued off center did make me wonder. I can see some people not liking it.

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I just ordered some rattle trap baits from Dakota lakes tackle, the steel balls were glued into the head of the lure off center. I was thinking they would not swim straight, but they do! I don't care now, but seeing them glued off center did make me wonder. I can see some people not liking it.

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