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Ewg Hooks For Do-It Screw-Lock Football Head Fbb-6-Sla?

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I'm thinking about starting to pour my own jigs and am wondering if there is an EWG hook that will work with the Do-It Screw-lock Football Head FBB-6-SLA?

I like this jig with worms and thinner grubs & creatures, but there's not enough bite in the regular hook to get consistent hook sets with bulkier baits.

Or would I be better off to pour Swing Footballs Heads with an EWG for use with the bulkier baits?

Any suggestions or opinions would be much appreciated.


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The Mustad 38109 will fit that mold, I use it on the round head screw lock with the flat eye. The 38109 will usually fit any 60 degree flat eye mold, at least the ones I have it will fit and the mold you have it will fit. Be careful that you don't buy the 38108, it is the same hook made with a heavier wire diameter and the larger sizes won't fit so make sure you get the 38109. BTW it is a good hook, and don't worry, it is a 45 degree bend but the EWG style bend allows it to fit the mold you have.

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Thanks Smalljaw, I looked up the 38109 and it is exactly what I am looking for to fish bulky flukes, craws and creatures on the screw-lock football head.

I am just at the beginning stages of deciding which lures I most want to produce and it's been a bit daunting sifting through all the info.

Your advice is much appreciated, thanks again.

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