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Top Coat For Blade Baits And Casting Spoons

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Im new to making my own lures and Ive been making blade baits and casting/jigging spoons. My question is what would be a good top coat to protect the paint? Ive seen devcon 2 ton and etex lite all mentioned, but I don't have experience with either. Is this something you mix and then paint on and let dry? Any other suggestions?

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Welcome to TU.


Devcon 2 Ton (D2T) and Envirotex Lite (E-tex) are both epoxies. That means that there is two parts to mix. Both need to be mixed in equal parts. Devcon is thicker and starts to cure faster, however you only have to put on one coat. E-tex is more runny and needs to have several coats put on. Both need at least 24 hours to fully cure and harden, maybe longer

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Additionally, the Epoxy style requires a lure turner or the top coat will sag as it cures.  I made one using instructions I found on this and other sites, and it was cheep, but it took time.


Some of us are using UV cure top coats, but some complain that the Solar Res is a little hazy.  I don't get that, but ......


Use the search feature and check out the top coats on the hard bait section and you will see that there are hundreds of post on the question.  Dick Nite, concrete sealer, lacquers, automotive clear coats......... each with their advantage and disadvantage.  I prefer a product by Alumilte, either their Amazing Clear Cast (needs a lure turner but not as long), or a UV cure that has not been put on the market yet.


If you are making them for you self, and you are new to it, consider a rattle can clear material until you have researched out what you want to use.

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