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Curt - NC

I Need Everyone's Help & Feedback!

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I had a suggestion from a TU member who is fairly new to lure making and I thought it was a great idea, so I'm putting it out here for everyone to give their feedback on.


I know that we have posts in the forums that are seen as "recipe books" for creating mixes for colors, paint formulas, etc.


The suggestion I received was for a single post that defines all of the often-used abbreviations that are used on a day to day basis.


Examples: What is GST, MCU? How about D2T... or S81?


I'm sure these can be pretty confusing and frustrating for new lure makers to figure out and it probably causes them to waste a lot of time researching them in order to sort out what they really mean.


So... I'd like to ask everyone to give their feedback and input on this, first of all for someone to start the actual thread in the proper forum and then for everyone to add the abbreviations and definitions that they know.


As the thread grows, I will try to keep it organized and user-friendly.


Thanks in advance for your help!

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When Jerry posted the original glossary he fixed it so that everyone could add to it and that all the terms in the glossary would be underlined with dots and you could hover your pointer over it and the definition would pop up. Not sure what happened, but somewhere along the line the original was lost or done away with. I've noticed that some of the terms still show up  with their definition when you hover your pointer over them so some of it must still be working.




p.s. Not sure what's going on with my above post, but the phrase used above is "the definition would p o p up" and somehow "p o p" is turned into "Plaster of Paris". This has to be some type of glitch left over from when the original glossary was in use.

Edited by RayburnGuy
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Ben and I did a lot of work on this. I found the original word document that I can email you, if you think it will help. If you email me, make sure you put 'TU' in the header, or I will not open. Better still, just PM me your addy and I will send.



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If some would find it useful I am sure some will put something together.  I guess I am strange and wouldn't use such a feature.  I am more about searching for the data within the site threads and guess what... I learned a lot of important information and members that warranted all posts to be skimmed for content.   It avoided many many unnecessary posts asking questions.

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