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New glue for my old friends!!

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Guys been kinda absent from the board for a while due to fishing seasonand some injuries and the like.l I just thought I would pass along a little tip that has been working for me with excellent results. My father has been a building contractor for 30 some years and he was over for a barbque when I showed him what I've been up to in the workshop. I had been glueing bellyweights and hook hangers in with epoxy.He suggested I try some of the "liquid nail" Well been playing around with it for about a month and have come up with the following advantages. It does not have a short pot life ie Epoxy, It is super strong, it is waterproof. What I have been doing is cutting the "L.N." with MEK to the consistency of white glue. It is some darn strong stuff I have actually pulled the wood apart trying to get the hook hangers or belly weights out. Give it a try you will not be disappointed!!

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Your mention Red of the "methyl ethyl" brought back some bad memories of college chemistry, yikes! Do you remember counting with the alkanes? Methane, ethane, propane, butane, etc.? A fellow student of mine once asked the chem professor why we didn't count above decane? His reply that I will never forget was "because all above that were "mundane", lol.

Jed 8O

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