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Recreating Baits Of The Past

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@ Dieter the original lure just came with a split ring or nothing at all at the attachment point... it has a pretty descent swoop in the water when you get a chance to try it out... that looks really good btw!  :worship:  :worship:  :worship:  :worship:  :worship:  the lure master as always

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@ Dieter the original lure just came with a split ring or nothing at all at the attachment point... it has a pretty descent swoop in the water when you get a chance to try it out... that looks really good btw!  :worship:  :worship:  :worship:  :worship:  :worship:  the lure master as always

Thanks :worship:  , .....can't wait to try it !


Greetz , Dieter :yay:

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I live in south Florida, aint no Grain Belt beer down here.


You ever heard of Miami brewed "Hurricane Reef" beer?


It comes with a screw on cap to keep the beach sand out from between sips. But, I can't figure-out how to make a lure out a screw on cap...just kidding...

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This is a glass-eyed Jim Dandy Wobbler, Shakespeare 1931. The patented ball head tail hook hanger looks interesting. Anyone used a lure with a ball head tail hook hanger? It looks like it would work well, thinking about how to recreate them.

This kind of a hookhanger , also other vintage style hookhanger designs , have come out of fashion for decades now , ...thus it would be very hard to find such parts .


I've once come across a web shop selling vintage style lure hardware , but I can't seem to find it anymore , ..it's offerings consisted of old surplus stocks dug up somewhere , so one would rather depend on luck to find what you need .


Of course one could furnish all parts at home somehow , but this would turn out extremely elaborate and time consuming .


Personally I do not bother about a perfect replic of a vintage lure , I'd just use modern parts like stainless eyescrews and hook hanger plates , I'd just care to duplicate general shape and function .


Just my  :twocents:  , ....greetz , Dieter :yay:

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Just gave my "disc spoon" blank a first test swim in the tub and I can only say WOW 8O  8O  8O  8O  8O  8O  !


It has a very unique and pronounced wobbling action , causing a great throb in my little testing ice rod , ......at slow and medium paces the spoon cants from one side to the other at almost 90° upright on either side , same time doing a narrow wave course(viewed from above) , ......when I accelerated it to a higher speed of retrieve or simply jerked it , it would turn over initially , but same time breaking out randomly up , down or sideward , ....but just to get back to it's previously described pattern , when slowed down again !


I am pretty much amazed about this spoon prototype and will definately get to make some more real quick , ...dead sure :yes: !


I've attached the lure to the swivel , .......attached to the splitring alone , the action was pretty much the same , just not as fluent , just a tad more brokenly , but the subtle differences were hardly recognizeable .


Also attached the dressed treble of that commercial German spoon model shown instead of the bare 3/0 treble , and I've found , that this "disc spoon" seemingly can't take any attchement like this , because it slowed the wobbling action down pretty much significantly , .....to hazard a guess , I'd say for about 85% percent less action , ......the lure lost almost all of it's wiggle at slow pace , would simply rise to the surface and break through , .........at higher speed of retrieve it only wiggled a little bit , absolutely unattractive , I'd say .




I think , this is because the disc shape does not provide enough lengthwise guidance in the water to overcome the drag of the dressed hook , a longer curved spoon body would simply generate more force to move the tinsel .


But anyway , gonna use hook tubing or plastic lure flippers to add some attraction to the finished spoon , .....very fond of this lure , indeed   , ........Griffond , thanks so much for having pointed out this lure model to me :worship:  :worship:  :worship:  , this model will be a valuable addition to my spoon lure armory for sure !


Greetz , Dieter :yay:









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No Bathtub video  :eek:  oh and I forgot to mention they were all made and sold with single hooks on them as far as I know... I am guessing it will get even more action with one of those if you tried it... I did tell ya thou they had pretty interesting action lol

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Ah and the other thing I did with them in the past for the little ones anyway was to add those little plastic things that come with swedish pimples like the red thing on this one they also come with a yellow one... I think there called knockers or something like that cant remember



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@ Griffond


Did not have the time for a video , preparing for my weekend shift , gonna hit the cushions soon to get up three'o'clock in the morning , ........but will definately do a video of these disc spoons , when I'd have an entire bunch readily made , .....hopefully I'd have the chance to cut out and grind to shape some blanks at work this weekend .


Guess , I'd stick to these a bit oversized trebles , though , as a rule of thumb says , that the treble's points on a pike spoon should be at least as far apart as the spoons width , ...can't achieve this with such a wide disc spoon unless using a mighty 12/0 treble hook , though , ........but for pike a bigger treble is a better bet than a single hook , .....at least with such a wide spoon lure .


If a pike bites the spoon across , the points of a smaller hook might not find grip , especially not when using a single , ........at least my opinion !


And the action of my prototype spoon is just so wild , that it won't require any improvements :lol: .


These little red plastic fins on the rear splitring I've refered to as "lure flippers" , read this term in the "Moore's Lures" catalog , ...these are rigged to a lot of casting spoon models , that you can buy over here , .....I'm attaching them to many of my homemades as well , ...or just some red vinyl tubing pushed onto the hookshank .


Thanks again :worship:  :worship:  :worship: , .......greetz , Dieter :yay:

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diemai/Dieter, congratulations !!! You have proven that old school is cool.


This disc spoon you made sounds perfect for catching  barracuda here in Florida. Problem is, we don't want to catch barracuda. :mad:


Barracuda are a pain to sport fisherman, though I guess the tourists get a kick from cathing the toothy bait stealers. :?

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Pretty interesting looking I am curious what it will do in the water...


........so am I , .......hope it would work , as it's so elaborate :yay:  .


Just got home from my weekendshift , cut out and ground to shape some more "disc-spoons" , also pre-shaped the cupping on most of them .


Trying to get them done at home this week , .....two workmates , both of them ardent fishermen as well , did already show great interest in the design......."you're gonna make one for me , too , ... are you , ..just to try " :lol:?..... , ..... , ...one of them even wanted to snatch the copper sheet yet unpolished prototype off my workbench to take it along to the season opening tourney of his fishing club May 1st :lol:  , ..........but I refused , as I still need it as a sample to check for the cupping on the rest of my blanks .


But I had to promise him one finished spoon until local Father's Day May 29th , another tourney taking place then .


Made them in different sizes , 30 mm , 50 mm(like the one shown) and 70 mm diameter, .......the latter will be a twin spoon , two spoons of thinner sheet connected with the splitrings to hopefully generate some more noise in the water , ..these large ones would be for catfish , the large European silure .


I hope , that in the end all would perform as well as my initial prototype , ........greetz , Dieter :yay:

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@ Griffond

Some more patience , please , my friend , ...I'm thinking to make a video displaying the making , a test run and , ...which would be best , .....a fish caught one one of these .

The latter would be the hardest part , I guess , ...won't even be able to get done with the first spoons until May 1st , I reckon .

Yes , our local European silure(catfish) is called "Wels" in northern Germany , ....but I reckon , the southern name "Waller" is a bit more common .

Like 25 years ago these fish were almost abundant up here in the "Elbe" river water systems , really not worthwile fishing for them , .....but since a few years more and more local anglers do hook catfish fishing for "Zander´"(European walleye) or eel , ...of course only the smaller and average fish can be landed on lighter tackle .

Just some 6 weeks ago one guy told me , that a big cat scratching 80"  had shredded his surf rod to pieces last summer , some "Elbe" anglers use such beach gear to be able to cast heavy 5 to 8 ounces sinkers far out into the strong river current , ...another guy told me last summer , that he was lucky to land a catfish on zander gear , it struck a plastic shad , ....just like this one caught 2011 in the vicinity of the harbor of Hamburg , ...I'm familiar to this place :


So , I'm hoping to catch one as well sooner or later , haven't fished the river that very often in the past , ..but in future i surely will , using my 10 foot catfish lure rod sporting 6 ounces lure weight .

And I'd surely take one or two of these twin "disc spoons" along , as these seem to cause quite a commotion underwater .

Greetz , Dieter :yay:

Edited by diemai
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amazing how those cats, hit lures... the majority of cats in the states will only hit baited lines you'll catch a few on lures but most are caught with bait of some sort or another... the first place I saw wels catfish was on River Monsters TV show, I was dumb founded at how huge they get... makes are biggest cats here in america look dinky.  Hope you catch some this summer that would be a blast to watch.

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amazing how those cats, hit lures... the majority of cats in the states will only hit baited lines you'll catch a few on lures but most are caught with bait of some sort or another... the first place I saw wels catfish was on River Monsters TV show, I was dumb founded at how huge they get... makes are biggest cats here in america look dinky.  Hope you catch some this summer that would be a blast to watch.

Just had some troubles editing my previous post , hope , it shows alright now ?


I've read , that about 50% of cats caught over here do strike lures , the other half is caught on bait .


Catfish lures do not have to be sophisticated in color and shape by any means , as these fish can't see very well , ....lures need to be bigger(any underwater muskie size lure will do) , very rigid and possibly cause a good commotion and noise , as cats do detect their prey by hearing , feeling and smelling .


Catfishing is more common down south or west , in some places they even are considered a pest , as they reproduce and grow fairly fast , up here north we are still new to this kind of fishing .


Though German record cats are at about 90" , many north European catfish anglers travel down south to Italy or Spain for the real big ones , possibly exceeding 100" .


But having such fish on the line would surely scare the crap out of me :eek:  :lol: !


Sorry for off topic a bit , .......keep them old lures coming , ...greetz , Dieter :yay:

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Seeking 56, thanks for asking. Yes I have all the segments/sections attached with small stainless steel screws. My next step is to imbed the screws in fiberglass where they will remain secure. So far so good, the segments/sections articulate in a natural motion. The painting schedule is now my most concern. I am hoping to copy the native shrimp that roam Biscayne Bay, my near shore fishing grounds. Then I will be searching for all black 3d eyes.

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