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Recreating Baits Of The Past

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Seeking 56, thanks for asking. Yes I have all the segments/sections attached with small stainless steel screws. My next step is to imbed the screws in fiberglass where they will remain secure. So far so good, the segments/sections articulate in a natural motion. The painting schedule is now my most concern. I am hoping to copy the native shrimp that roam Biscayne Bay, my near shore fishing grounds. Then I will be searching for all black 3d eyes.

This is sounding like quite a bit of most finacky work , ...good luck with your venture , ...Greetz , Dieter :yay:

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This is sounding like quite a bit of most finacky work , ...good luck with your venture , ...Greetz , Dieter :yay:


You have the patience of Job!!!

If I put that much work and time into a lure like that, I would never let a fish have a chance to mess it up!

Edited by mark poulson
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amazing how those cats, hit lures... the majority of cats in the states will only hit baited lines you'll catch a few on lures but most are caught with bait of some sort or another... the first place I saw wels catfish was on River Monsters TV show, I was dumb founded at how huge they get... makes are biggest cats here in america look dinky.  Hope you catch some this summer that would be a blast to watch.

When I lived in Wisconsin I had great cat success with homemade Mepps style all silver spinners. Worked fine on the rivers for pike, cats and SM bass.


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You have the patience of Job!!!

If I put that much work and time into a lure like that, I would never let a fish have a chance to mess it up!

mark, I see tenacity more than patience lol. As far as fish messing it up, that means it works haha. Anyway, I made a mold of every part so they can be replaced and I can make copies if it is successful.

Snook is the target species for this bait and Snook season ends on June 1, so I gotta get busy.

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@ saltwater


......but if fish would frequently shred your lure to pieces , that won't be funny either , even with easy and fast lure reproduction , ........I hope for you , that it would hold up well :yay:  !


@ Griffond , @ scrubs


Compared to different lure types I do not fish spinners that much anymore , actually no special reason for this :blink: !


@ all


Here my first finished "Disc Spoons" , ......placed them in the gallery not to violate site rules , really looking forward to cast them next week .




Greetz , Dieter :yay:

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diemai, most of the saltwater gamefish that I go after have sharp teeth. This bait of the past is fiberglass and stainless steel. I guess it will hold-up as good as any other crank bait.


All the parts are removable and can be replaced individually. 


Anyway, it's just a fun challenge to build and try-out.


Wish me luck....

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diemai, most of the saltwater gamefish that I go after have sharp teeth. This bait of the past is fiberglass and stainless steel. I guess it will hold-up as good as any other crank bait.


All the parts are removable and can be replaced individually. 


Anyway, it's just a fun challenge to build and try-out.


Wish me luck....

I must admit , that I'm more concerned about the joints and hinges , not the single body segments so much , .......but I'm really eager to see , with what you're finally gonna come up with !


BTW , .......I'm always enjoying such fun challenge builts as well , ...sometimes something real good would be the result , .....not always though !


Good luck , ....greetz , Dieter :yay:

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Griffond, the articulated shrimp bait is just like the original, 5" long when straight-out.


In a curl it goes to maybe 3" or so. This doesn't include the tail hook. It is 1/2" at the widest point, the rear of the carapace.


It would be no problem making them much smaller or much bigger. The only consideration is the fasteners.


I wish I had an original one so I could see the underneath. problem with that is my Antique Lure Guide Book values an original at: $190-$225.


I ended-up using some inventive license/guess work, to make it. :?

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Griffond, you said :

" I am guessing you could make that from acrylic as well"


If you can find acrylic, lexan or plexiglass that is 1/32" then I guess you could make them.


Why don't you try? Photo copy the picture I posted of the original and use cut-up pieces of the paper copy for templates. That's what I did.


You see my secret was to make each section by using the previous larger section as a mold for the next smaller section. This approach requires very thin material.

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I hope you get bit, often and hard, and that your beautiful work is sturdy enough for lots of fish.  You may have a real winner on your hands.



Your spoons are, once again, amazing, oh metal meister!   :worship:  :worship:

I understand your concern about castablility.  Maybe they are meant to be trolled.

What happens if you're fishing for one species, and a different species, one that's out of season, eats your lure and you have to land it?  If you release it immediately, are you in violation of the law?

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@ mark poulson


Thanks a lot , Mark , ....gonna cast them on coming Monday or Tuesday for the first time , after my shift work weekend , .....really excited to find out about their casting performance .


Lots of fishing restrictions over here , each state has it's own , ........as a rule of thumb no lurefishing allowed during closing time of pike and zander , even though other species like brown trout and especially perch could be fished for with lures , it's just most likely not allowed , until closing time for pike and zander would be through .


One exception is the city of Hamburg , pike/zander closing time January 1st until May 15th(neighbor states have slightly different closing times) , but after Hamburg state fishing restrictions lurefishing is not particulary forbidden all year long .


Every year there are new discussions on local sites about people casting 5" or even 6" plastic shads or crankbaits of same size during closing time claiming , that they'd be fishing for perch only(no closing time , no restricted legal size in Hamburg) , ......off course pike and zander would be more likely to bite such large lures rather than perch !


Even if these fellas would practice CPR only(which is illegal over here , at least according to our restrictions) and do not take any fish home , they should leave them alone to reproduce , .....in my opinion .


Yes , in every case you must release a fish of any species caught accidently during it's closing time(or a species restricted to be caught at all)instantly , and you must not fish for these on intention as well .


Sorry again for OT , guys , ..........greetz , Dieter :yay:

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Sounds like sometimes being "civilized" isn't all it's cracked up to be.

But you guys know your fishing resources, and how to protect them, best.


Let us know how they cast.  You could always bend over the hooks, so no hookups are possible, and still feel if you get bit.  ;)

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@ mark poulson  


Just made a couple of dozens of casts today , and I'm happy to report , that my concerns in terms of hook fouling went up in smoke , not even one single time the hooks did foul the leader :D  !


These 1,5 mm thick  "Disc Spoons" do not cast as well compared to more elongated ones of same sheet thickness , but due to their fairly heavy weight they still make up for a good casting distance , they do not level on flight anyhow , but tumble on flight , also fly off a staright course a bit , but not as much as I might have expected them to do .


I've found , that these spoons maintain depth quite well , guess this is because one would retrieve them a bit slower than other spoon models and also the do not seem to generate as much lift .


Would be different , when having them made from thinnner sheet like 1,0 mm or even 0,8mm , .....gonna a try this as well for a more shallow action , ...casting performance would surely get worse !


........and you're not that much off talking about being "cracked up" regarding our fishing restrictions and regulations :lol: !


@ Griffond


Thanks for wishing well , but sadly no catches occured today , ......but I'll keep on trying , ...at least I've shot a little video displaying these "Disc Spoons" :



Greetz , Dieter :yay:

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Great video as always Dieter was nice watching on my TV with a cup of coffee this morning... I did some searching around and I found something online you will like here is a link to a E-Book with a very thorough description of these lures and many many more with pictures enjoy  8O



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Great video as always Dieter was nice watching on my TV with a cup of coffee this morning... I did some searching around and I found something online you will like here is a link to a E-Book with a very thorough description of these lures and many many more with pictures enjoy  8O



Just had a brief once-over , ....wow , this looks great , ...gotta get deeper into it , when I'd find the time .  have been busy this afternoon making a little tut video about the "Disc Spoon" , ......will upload on YouTube within a day or two , .....thanks a lot again , ...greetz , Dieter :yay:

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It would be interesting to see what would happen to a "Disc Spoon" with two treble hooks attached to either side of the disc at the lateral mid-point and still keeping the tail end hook. We see this every now and then with the old lures from the 1920s and 1930s. :?

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Yeah I love mepps type lures or french spinners... those are the first lures I ever started making... I still thou have never seen anyone catch a cat on a lure here... it might just be a different time of year or something.

I've hit a few on reservation pay to fish lakes here in NM too. I have a new river spot to try for cats. I've seen some pics of good sizes ones from there.



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@ mark poulson


Mark , I have already considered about trying similar , .....just replacing the center plastic bead like on two of the spoons with a round inline sinker !


But I have concerns , that these "Disc Spoons" would not wiggle anmore with added ballast , at least they barely wiggle anymore , when a dressed treble is attached instead of a plain one .


I blame this on their lack of length , ......you see , the longer a spoon is , the longer the plane to provide guidance in the water , ......the cupped shape a spoon creates a lower water pressure at it's top side and a higher pressure at it's reverse side , this why the spoon has a tendency to turn over and swim topside up !


Now the weight of the spoon counterworks this tendency and it would fall back to a top side down level , but plus a little inertia it swings beyond that level and the two different water pressures push it to swing out to the opposite direction , ...thus the spoon wiggles .


I think , if placing added ballast in the center of the spoon , one would have to increase the cupping in general in order to get somewhat more water pressure on the reverse side to be able to still let the lure wiggle attractively , ...but this could either turn into too much of a good thing as well , I reckon , .....in a nutshell ......TRIAL AND ERROR is in order :lol:  !


I've recently come across spoons , ...so-called "Bunker Spoons" , that sport a lead keel , .......these are meant for trolling for various saltwater species , ..but I must admit , that it itches me to try my hands on such design as well, though in a smaller , castable size :



@ saltwater


I had seen sucha vintage lure before somewhere , it would surely work out on this design as well without losing swimming action , but I'd have to find out , if too many missed hook-ups would occur with that large rear treble .


Greetz , Dieter :yay:

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What about wrapping lead wire around the treble hook Dieter? Like the kind used by fly fishermen. You could play around with the performance by fully wrapping the treble shank with one or more layers of the lead wire and then cut short pieces off on subsequent casts to see which performed better. It seems it would be much more aerodynamic than a feathered treble as well.


Great job on them as well. :yay: You truly are the Metal Meister. :worship:



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@ RayburnGuy


Thanks for the hint , Ben :worship:  , ...coming weekendshift I'd start out with some more prototypes of thinner sheet to try out those ballast attachement methods , also winding solder wire around the hookshank , as you've suggested(do not have lead wire).


The 1,5mm thick spoons do not require ballast in terms of their running dept , as they already do swim quite deep , ....or better said , they do not generate as much lift on retrieve as other , more elongated spoons would .


The casting performance of the 1,5mm thick spoon is not that extraordinary poor , they are only a bit inferior to "ordinary" spoons of same weight , ...if I hazard a guess , the "Disc Spoons" only reach about 80% to 90% of the possible casting distance of those .


By now I've also made a little tutorial about how I make a 2" disc spoon blank from copper sheet , but turned out more than 50 min long , so I've split it into two parts , ...by the end of part two there also is a bath tub sequence providing a better insight on the swimming action of these unique spoons :


Part 1:



Part 2 :



Videos on how to polish finished spoons or making sucha wooden beating template are linked in the video describtion straight on YouTube .


Greetz , Dieter :yay:

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