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Pop Tube Molds

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Lord I don't know bout that . Your going to spend a lot of time . How big a tube are you talking . For something like that I'd use silicone . Each to his own I guess . Your going to need rods for a start . Might be able to use dowels if you soak them in a sealer then epoxy dip them five or six times So the plastic won't stick . I'd sure a heck look at dipping first .

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POP is Plaster of Parris.  Tube is self explanatory.


I really would suggest as Toadfrog suggested that you look into dipping.  You make or obtain a rod, metal normally, with the dimensions equal to the internal dimension of the tube you want to make.  You coat the rod with a mold release (I like plain old vegetable oil) then you heat the Plastisol to normal pouring temperature.  You dip the rod into the plastic and hang it.  Preferably have several rods to do this with.


After the first rod has cooled you dip it again, and you follow the process with each until they have tube walls thick enough for you.  Once you are done, you carefully peal the plastic off of the rod (helps if the rod is slightly tapered).  This gives you a tube with solid tails.  You then take a cutter and spilt the tails.


I have seen pre-made rods on hangers, seen tail splitters, etc., for this process.


Or, you can do this with a silicone mold if you take your time and either have a good prototype to copy or a good blank you made up.

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