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Finally Started Painting, What Do You Think?

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Well after much delay I finally broke out my new airbrush and painted my first three baits. They are (in order) a modified red eye shad, husky jerk and original floater, but none of them have been clear coated in epoxy yet. My favorite crank so far is the original floater, I was trying to paint a bluegill or perch pattern but I feel like my color/pattern is somewhere in the middle between the two. What do you guys think of it? And does anyone had any suggestions or tips for me that will help me when painting future gill patterns? Thanks for looking!



















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Welcome to the addiction!  Thin your paint, do simple patterns first or you will become frustrated trying to tackle complex patterns. Enjoy your new hobby.  You will learn something new and you will get better everyday.

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Welcome to the addiction!  Thin your paint, do simple patterns first or you will become frustrated trying to tackle complex patterns. Enjoy your new hobby.  You will learn something new and you will get better everyday.


X2  Be sure to clean your brush after each color, and really well after each painting session, so you don't wind up frustrated by a dirty/clogged air brush that won't work right.

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Good first attempt! what are you using to paint with? Paint is a little on the thick side. But you are getting full coverage. the red eye on the one was good, the red lateral line was a good idea on the second one. I noticed the scales on the 3rd one. Remember the thicker the paint the more you change the action in the bait, cause you make it heavier. telling us what you use to paint with will help us better in giving you some tips. Good first try much better than my first one i think! Good luck with it and have fun above all else, thats why its a hobby.

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Thanks man! An iwata eclipse spraying createx (regular and wicked) and yea I agree since then though I have thinned out most of my bottles so they spray on more easily and even. Yea that's very true! Thanks a lot man! I did another Jerkbait tonight (an x rap) trying to create another gill pattern and it has been by far the best bait I've done so far, I can honestly say I have really surprised myself with this one. I am going to post another picture of it tomorrow after the epoxy has fully hardened (I'm using Bob smith industries 30 minute epoxy).

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Another thing if someone hasn't mentioned yet, do you use a blow dryer to set your paint? its got to use the hot air to set the paint between colours and or layers. Just thought I'd mention that. I have a laundry sink close by that i shoo hot water through my gun. saves me money on airbrush cleaner. i rinse with hot water till water is clear then spray a little cleaner to catch whats left behind. Like to see your drying wheel. good to see other ideas. usually new guys come up with good new fresh ideas. believe it or not new guys give just as many good tips as us old guys. I've been on here since 2004 but had to make a new account. but good to see you trying.

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Yup I use a hair dryer, and the hot waters a good idea I've just been using room temp distilled water and cleaner so far. haha I didn't have a drying wheel so to help the epoxy set I wentinto my wreckroom and tied some left over flipping line to a rack that you'd use to rack pool balls, letit sit over hanging the edge of my fire place mantle then set a small porcelain statue on the back to weight he rack down, then placed a space heater beside my bait which hung from the rack turned it on and let it set/dry overnight hanging beside the space heater lol, I like to jimmy rig stuff its amusing

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