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How To Get The Skirts Colors Placed Exactly How You Want?

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When I use just one color for the skirts no issues obviously.  But sometimes I have issues with my layers being off to one side or something just not right.  Also going to try doing some shad patterns and would like to make sure my laters are perfect.  Just want to findout what you guys do and what techniques you use to help be more accurate and consistant.


Also is there a way to get your skirts mixed more....so they are not so obviously layered....


Thanks Guys.


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I tie my jigs with wire or thread depending on the application, for example I will thread tie my finesse jigs but my flipping jigs I tie with wire and the same thing for swim jigs. If you are using skirt collars it will be difficult to keep the layers in place s the best thing to do is shuffle the colors around so all are in there and you will be fine. If you want the layers to be perfect just tie the skirt and watch how you place the layers.

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PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT!!!!  I tie with thread on eveything and use a regular tieing vise. There is a couple of things to remember right off the start of your jig tieing. Everything being said is for a right handed tier. With using more than one color you have to picture in your head what you want it to look like when your done. The use of accent colors do you want them on the out side of the main wrap our on the inside?? I always put my lure( swim jigs our flipping) in with the hook point down, doesn't stick me as often. The head is in the vice and I start my first wrap next to the head and work back towards the point of the hook. Three our four wraps back and four back to the head.  As tight as you can get them without snapping thread. NOW...Lets say you want (accent colors) 5 strands of blue,5 strands of purple on the bottom of your jig. As if your facing the jig head on. Put these accent colors at about 11 oclock position on the bottom of the jig, which would be the top of the jig looking at it. Wrap about 3 our 4 wraps with good tention on jig. You will see when you tighten down with this the accent colord will slide clock wise just a little and that should put them in the perfact placement for you. This goes for all the other layers that go on next until your done with that jig. I hope this was wrote down so everyone can understand what I'm trying to explain to you?? Good Luck and have fun.  STEVE 

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Well, since LPO owns this site, you can get them here.


You have to make your skirt from skirt material tabs using a skirt making tool. The skirt collar is used in conjunction with the tool and tabs. The collar holds it all together. The boss collar is just a name LPO's competitor uses for some of their stuff. After we get it tied on the jig, we cut the collar off.

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