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Air Brushing Paint Bristles With Createx?

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I've been using paint brush bristles  for my fins & tail (thanks for the knowledge John)....coloring them with permanent markers....curious if I can paint them with createx??? Any one doing this?? Thanks for the help....michel

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I think Createx, being a water based acrylic latex paint, would come right off during use.  Best to stick to a solvent based dye like the Sharpies, or one of the worm dyes or even fabric dye should also work fine.

Edited by BobP
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I am with Bob on this one but easiest way to find out is make a test "tail" and then use your normal process.  Take the tail and hit it with water and rub  your finger across the bristles and see if the paint flakes off as the bristles flex.   From my experience you are going to loose the paint.  Depending on the brush fibers you use they may be died from the paint and retain faint color.

Edited by Travis
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