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Circuit Board Bills

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I'm not a "Big Guy", but I use them.  They are very thin, and that makes it easier for me to cut the slots with my scroll saw.  If you're buying pre-cut bills, it is usually less expensive than Lexan.  The cons would be color I suppose.  It's not a problem for the places I fish, but they aren't exactly clear.  Some guys don't like that.  Another is durability.  Circuit board usually lasts longer than molded plastic, but not as long as Lexan.  My home lake is full of very rough limestone.  I can wear down a circuit board bill surprisingly fast. That isn't a concern in a lot of areas.  Give it a try, I would guess you'd like it.  I've heard that maybe it dives quicker, but I can't notice any real difference in performance.

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I'm not a big guy either but for my bass cranks I only use circuit board lips now. I buy the pre-cut ones and they are extremely easy to use, cheap and always perfectly square. Like Hawgfan I use my scroll saw to cut the slot, the perfect size is about 1 & 1/2 blade widths. 

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I saw an ad the other day, Arashi lure company released a new line of baits with circut board lips. There may be a few reviews on them.

I'm probably a smaller guy than either of the other two posters here. I like the circut board bills just fine.

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G-10 circuit board is about half the thickness of polycarbonate (Lexan) for the same stiffness.  I use 1/32" G-10 for lips.  It's easy to cut with metal snips and fine tune with a Dremel sanding drum.  Circuit board lips typically have a faster dive profile and they deflect off of cover more sharply than plastic or polycarbonate lips.  They are particularly good on crankbaits fished through rocks.


McMaster-Carr carries G-10 circuit board 12x12" sheets for a reasonable price.  They list it as "Garolite".  G-10 comes in an array of colors and the most popular color on crankbaits is white (very slightly greenish).  That's the color of the pre-made lips you can buy from lurepartsonline.com, Janns Netcraft, etc.  Recommend you check the color before you buy - white is sometimes hard to find.

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I make a deep diver (10'+) with the large precut coffin bill lip available from most of the suppliers. If you look at the pic the line tie is in the lip but I run the wire back into the lure so the lip doesn't actually carry any of the load. So far the guys who have bought them love them. I haven't had any issues. 



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