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Mustad Alternative To The Ec 635

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Hello all...I'm trying to find a alternative to the Eagle Claw 635 in a Mustad round bend hook...I looked at the 32746 but the leg going to the eye is too long...do they still make one with the shorter leg?           Thanks in advance   -Dave

Edited by flbasspond
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I was in the hunt for an alternative to the 630/635 in a black nickel for a couple pro do it molds. I dug around in my hooks and had a Mustad 32831 BLN that fit in those molds. The only problem I saw was the eye on the 32831 was a little small. I was able to close the mold by hand, though. I didn't pour it yet cause I just received these mold and wanted to use the drop out release on them. Ordered it today.

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The only 635 mold I have is the AHB-6-3812. Best alternate hook fit IN THIS MOLD is the Owner 5313 - 2/0 replacing the 1/0 635 in the 3/8, and 3/0 replacing the 2/0 635 in the 1/2. The Owner shanks line up straight thru the collars, but the smaller eyes are a bit tight and would require reducing the diameter of the eye slot center pins for perfect fit. I'm comfortable with the slam dunk method of banging the closed mold with hooks inserted between wood blocks with a small sledge, but its a rather brutal process and I can't recommend it to the unfamiliar.


Again, these are fits in an Arrow jig head mold, maybe not applicable to Pro-106s.


And, the 5313s have a top of the line price for top of the line quality. 

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