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Couple Questions?

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Murphy is a brand and there are many brands/models.  I'm no carving expert.  This knife was recommended by someone on TU and I bought one.  It stays sharp for a long time and carves great, so I'm a happy camper.  Get the pre-sharpened version and buy a strop and sharpening compound at the same time to touch up the edge as needed.  It comes in a handy plastic tube for storage.  There are other online sources for Murphy knives and the company has a website where they sell them too.  You might want to check shipping costs to find the best overall deal.  The knife is reasonable at around $15



Edited by BobP
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Hobby shops carry small pieces of balsa, but for larger pieces you need to find a lumber yard that carries specialty hardwoods (not like Home Depot or Lowes).  Look in your local phone book for Lumber suppliers that specialize in hardwoods.  You might also look around for anyone making surfboards.  They use balsa for that, and they also use paulownia.

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