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Bsi Finish Cure

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I just coated a few ko 2.5s (preditor baits) and they both have little bubbles on the side that turn into craters if left alone what would cause this I have dried a hair drier and a mini tourch but they keep coming back, same results with the bsi 30 min slow cure. any thoughts thanks

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The fact that your "bubbles" are turning into "craters" makes me think they are fish eyes. This is usually caused by some type of contaminant on the surface of the lure. Are you positive the surface of the baits hasn't been contaminated with any type of oils or sweat? If you handled the baits without washing your hands in hot soapy water it can leave oil behind. Before I start a painting session I always wash my hands with Dawn dish washing liquid in water as hot as I can stand it.



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I've often suspected my paint not being fully cured as another culprit.  I seem to have less fish eyes if I let the bait sit for a day before clear coating.  I use Createx, and some colors seem really hard to set with a hair dryer.  They are designed to set on fabric with an iron.  I'm also prone to using thicker layers than I should at times, which makes it harder to cure.  Heat as best you can between layers, even of the same color, then wait a day or two.  That might help.

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