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Tony Maxwell

Soldering Ss Wire

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Only thing I've ever had any luck with is a high grade (meaning high silver content) silver solder. Just don't ask about the price if your on any type of heart or blood pressure medicine. Try calling your local welding supply. Most of the time those guys are fairly knowledgeable on things like this or at least know someone who is.


And if you know a good heli-arc welder that has his own machine they can weld it together for you. It's amazing what thin material can be welded this way.



Edited by RayburnGuy
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I've used rust remover that contains phosphoric acid mixed with rubbing alcohol (about a 50/50 mix) as a flux to solder stainless steel. It’s a bit tricky to use because it evaporates almost instantly when the molten solder touches it. This flux produces acrid fumes, don’t breathe them and do your soldering in front of a fan or outdoors! You can ‘tin’ each individual piece of SS wire with solder separately using the rust remover as flux. Once ‘tinned’ the wires can be soldered together using rosin as a flux. 50/50 or 60/40 tin lead solders will both work. I use a ‘Weller’ 100/140 watt soldering gun to do the soldering. You will also have to wash of the burnt flux residue from the wire when you’re done.

Here’s a picture of a spinner bait loop that I soldered.



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