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2 Piece Pop Mold Help

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Hi everyone this my first post but I been reading everything I can for about 6 months and think it's fantastic the amount of information available on this site.

I've been making and pouring 1 piece molds with good results for a few months and recently made a 2 piece mold of a paddle tail swim bait. My first shoot came out great but now I'm lucky to get 1 out of 5. I keep getting hollow spots in the bait that become indented or the front part of bait is hollow when I cut the spru off. What am I doing Wrong?


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Has to do with plastic temperature and contraction upon cooling.  Take a Forster bit  and drill out the top of each spru to create a reservoir of plastic.  It adds volume  of plastic to be drawn into the bait as it cools, increases thermal mass relative to the spru run due to the added plastic and reduced thin spru run.   Here is one from about eight years with the modification.  I don't think it was about a few weeks after my first mold I started doing this and never had any issues.  That bait would dent readily in the first 1/2 inch of the head with out the spru.   



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