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New River Rat

Rattle Can Art?

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I had two really ugly crankbaits laying around that weren't being used. I haven't pulled the trigger on a painting system, but I spent a LOT of my youth painting bicycles and go-karts. These two were done with simple rattle cans, then covered with a two part epoxy. Didn't take a lot of pains with them, but I realized it is do-able.

This is about the size of a Fat Rap 05 or KVD 1.5. The undercoat was silver, flat black back, and some gold glitter from a can.




This is both, the one on the right is basically the same as the first pic, but with an orange undercoat.


Edited by New River Rat
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www.lurebuilding.nl/indexeng.html  aka Lurebuilding 101 translated.


Above is a link to an old site that does not seem to have any activity anymore.  It is from Europe, and they did all of their old painting with Rattle Cans.


I admit, I still go back and use it for ideas now and then.  LOL

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