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Tinsel - Where To Get It?

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Size is up to you. Either will work. Look for after Christmas sales for tinsel. I go to AC Moore and other craft stores for "flash" supplies. I use some stuff from the craft store that is meant to be hung from your doorway, and is 6ft long. Pearl and regular silver is what I use. (I think they also had red and gold there) Almost 1/4" wide, but it is going on 2-8oz. jigs also, so the width is good for me.

I also tie it onto hooks and people use for FLounder and Striper. No hair, just flash.

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Tinsel is used for wrapping bodies on flies and small jigs, I have gold holographic tinsel that I use to tie panfish and trout jigs. If you want to add flash to your jigs you want to use Krystal Flash or Flashabou Accent, not straight flashabou. The reason you don't want to use tinsel to add flash is because it will tear off, it isn't strong, flashabou is better and I like to add a single strand on each side of a hair jig, it is too stiff and will put too much flash (my opinion) on a regular bass jig. Flashabou accent is the same deal as Krystal flash, you can add 3 strands on each side of the jig and it will give it a nice subtle flash that I believe triggers fish into striking, I noticed I was getting more bites when I added flah to my hair jigs and I even use it on bass jigs, tie on length in and fold it over, tie again and trim, that way it won't pull out easily. If you don't mind waiting, you can go to ebay and look up life-fly outdoors, you can buy 10 packs of 1 color for 5 bucks or get a 16 pack of assorted colors for 10 bucks but it takes 3 weeks to get it as it comes direct from China, same place the vendors get their stuff only you are buying direct.

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