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How Do I Pour Hard Baits?

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This has been covered in a lot of detail over the years.  I would really start to search and go back over threads as it all is there as it will be your best bet to get the information. Sure some guys will give you a little info but not going to be the meat and potatoes you are looking for and more importantly not alienate some that would likely help you.


Search foamies, casting resin, etc... you should easily find one or two guys that have done it.

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Like Travis indicated, there is a ton of information regarding this on this site.  But....


I visit a lot of different forums, so I support and learn form many sources.  With that in mind, I will provide you a site where you can learn how one company is supporting the resin baits, molds, and pouring.  There are other companies, and some of the other resins are probably excellent, but ....... this is the one I know.




I do NOT offer the other site as a replacement, quite the opposite.  I offer it as a supplement to this site.


Now, get in their and enjoy.

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Like Travis indicated, there is a ton of information regarding this on this site.  But....


I visit a lot of different forums, so I support and learn form many sources.  With that in mind, I will provide you a site where you can learn how one company is supporting the resin baits, molds, and pouring.  There are other companies, and some of the other resins are probably excellent, but ....... this is the one I know.




I do NOT offer the other site as a replacement, quite the opposite.  I offer it as a supplement to this site.


Now, get in their and enjoy.



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I don't visit too many other sites but over all can tell you that rare to find another place with guys with as much information as you will find here.  You come across guys on other sites (usually members here also) that are gurus on the other sites based on the information they are getting here and of course their experience.  


I always have used 16 lb density foam.  Make my own molds from any of the typical mold materials but RTV my favorite by far and use masters I carve.

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Travis makes some interesting claims, and I suppose that there are other forums where indeed people learn from this site and make themselves experts or "gurus" in the other forums.  That does not surprise me, but then again, the converse must also be true.  In other words, the people on here also learned from other sites, other people, and of course from their own experience.


While this is an old web site, it is neither the oldest or the only.  For example, the following site is no longer active, but it pre-dates this site and it archives a great deal of great information.  The site is a translation to English so expect some errors.




I do agree that the people on this site are very helpful, very knowledgeable, and very friendly.  For the most part, they are also very respectful. 


Please feel free to ask whatever questions you have, refer to YouTube (many of our members have posted videos there), use other sources when available, and of course, TU will always have experts on line to help.


Good luck and happy lure making,


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Steve has a good point and I should have clarified.  I have tunnel vision when it comes to lures,  if it doesn't target largemouth, smallies, and spots I don't spend too much time on it (well much time in my book).  I figure the largest percentage of guys here are after bass and my earlier response is mainly towards those sites that center around bass and have lure building sections. One shouldn't limit themselves at all. 


I visit all the sites (infrequently) and spent some time at others researching things over the years as it is interesting to see regional specific style builds.  I like the technical aspects and styles of the Japanese Lure builders, the European dominated builds of the site Steve linked in lurebuilding, and then that Australian Lure Lovers, and a few others more species specific.  I even checked out a few fly places and never fly fish. It is all about finding the information.


I just find the most relevant information and individuals with that information to be centered here. I honestly think that overall the site can be misleading as I think the best method to get this information is directly contacting these individuals and depending on the "feel" of the post or question may not get answered for various reasons.... a guy trying to make a quick buck, looks like a cool thing to do this week but next  I will be into photography, those that all ready have the answers, etc.....  You can also find a lot of good information but have to spend a lot of time weeding through it.  There may be 3 relevant top coat threads out of the 200 for example.

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