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Butt Or Jump Ring Usage

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No, they are not meant for that, as they are not strong enough and will pull open. I found these to be great for putting on small to medium sized blades on ball bearing swivels or barrel swivels. Like roadrunner blades, stand-up jigs or maybe small spinnerbaits. These are much easier to use than spilt rings for this application. Also if the blade gets stuck, you can usually get your jig back as the butt ring will open.

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Thanks for the info Cadman.


Having said that , do you know a place to buy solid rings for hooks that are not super expensive like the Owner brand  ?

I'm a little confused. Do you plan to use the solid rings for hooks? If so how are you going to put them on?


On the solid rings, you can look at LPO, Jann's, Zeiners and Worth. They all should have solid rings. I can tell you this if you are buying small quantities, LPO and Zeiner's will usually have better shipping costs. I have bought like a $3 or $4 dollar item from these two places and asked if they could put it in a smaller package so I can save on shipping charges. Both of them were very accommodating and saved me easily $3 or $4 dollars in shipping. Other places will not do this they have a flat charge per zip code. So you're paying $11.00 for a $3 item.

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I read in one of the forums were you told a gentleman about using devcon 2000 clear to help with jig durability.

My question is how do you apply it and what is the real working time ? Appreciate any info from you or members that have used it in lure application. 

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    There is a lot of info on it in the wirebaits and the hardbaits forum. You will find more than you need to know if you search it out. Here is a quick rundown. I prefer Devcon 2 Ton (D2T). It is a two part equal mix epoxy, that you brush on the jigs head. It is self leveling and in 24 hours the finish is rock hard.

    There is also a product called E-tex (Enviro-tex lite). It is made for bar tops. It is also a two part epoxy and is not as hard as D2T, but it is clearer than D2T. I believe it also takes at least 24 hours to cure.


They both work really well. I have used them both and no problems so far.


Other will chime in for sure.

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I buy my solid rings on EBAY. Thats the best price I have found.

I don't believe Zeiners,Janns ,LPO or Barlows carries them but I will check again.

I use solid rings for my assist rigs i tie for my saltwater fishing.

You need solid rings as split rings will abraid and wear the assist line out.

So it is split ring to solid ring and the solid ring has the assist line on it that the hook is attached to.

You tie to the solid ring as well.


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I buy my solid rings on EBAY. Thats the best price I have found.

I don't believe Zeiners,Janns ,LPO or Barlows carries them but I will check again.

I use solid rings for my assist rigs i tie for my saltwater fishing.

You need solid rings as split rings will abraid and wear the assist line out.

So it is split ring to solid ring and the solid ring has the assist line on it that the hook is attached to.

You tie to the solid ring as well.


Are you attaching your main line to the hook end of that bait?  On the solid ring near the eyes?  

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Are you attaching your main line to the hook end of that bait?  On the solid ring near the eyes?  

Yes on the solid ring.

It does several things first off it snags a LOT less than a traditional hook on the bottom eye.

Second it give you a more direct line to the hook. So the fish cant use the jig as leverage to get off.

Also it eliminates the fish pulling on the bottom eye and somehow (I don't know if it is possible) pulling the eye out of the jig.

So the jig is dangling while your line is connected to the solid ring and the assist line from that to the hook. The split ring just attaches the solid ring to the jig.

Here's how I tie mine up. I add heat shrink tubing after gluing the knot.


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