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I am new here and was wondering. . . . . . I am not a bait maker from scratch guy.  I do however like to modify baits to make them do things they were not intended to do.  I was wondering if I was in the right place or not.  If I am not, can someone point me in the right direction?  Thank you so much

Edited by fishaholic211
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I haven't been on a lot of other sites in the last few years, because the TU members who post here are the most knowledgeable and helpful group online anywhere.

Ask you questions, post photos of your baits in the Hard Baits Gallery and link them to your posts here so we can all see what you're talking about, and "let the games begin".

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I think a lot of us TU'ers started out repairing and modifying commercial baits to perform differently.  I know I did.  It's just that there's a limit on what you can do to a commercial bait to improve its performance.  Different paint.  Adding or reducing ballast.  Changing the size, shape, or angle of the lip.  Once you get in that far, you eventually begin to feel that building a whole new bait is about as easy, cheaper, and more satisfying than tweaking commercial stuff.


I don't see lots of posts about tweaking commercial baits here on TU but like Mark says, there's a lot of expertise on TU about what makes a crankbait perform well and how to do it, which is applicable to bait modifications.

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